Paper | Title | Page |
THPEC031 | Multi-bunch Electron Beam Generation based on Cs-Te Photocathode RF-Gun at Waseda University | 4119 |
At Waseda University, we have been studying a high quality electron beam generation and its application experiments with Cs-Te photocathode RF-Gun. We have already succeeded in generating a stable high-charged single-bunch electron beam. To generate more intense electron beam, we designed a multi-bunch electron linac and developed the multi-pulse UV laser which irradiates to the cathode. The target values of the number of electron bunch and bunch charges are 100 bunches/train and 800 pC/bunch, respectively. In addition, we adopted the method of the amplitude modulation of the incident RF pulse to the S-band klystron in order to compensate the energy difference in each bunch because of the slow rise time of acceleration voltage in cavity and beam loading effect in the accelerating structure. In this conference, we will report design properties of our multi-bunch electron linac, the results of the multi-bunch electron beam diagnosis and the energy difference compensation using the RF amplitude modulation method. |