Paper | Title | Page |
WEPEC056 | Optimization Studies for Radiation Shielding of a Superconducting RF Cavity Test Facility | 3019 |
Test facilities for high-gradient superconducting RF cavities must be shielded for particle radiation, which is generated by field emitted electrons in the cavities. A major challenge for the shielding design is associated with uncertainty in modeling the field emission. In this work, a semi-empirical method that allows us to predict the intensity of the generated field emission is described. Spatial, angular and energy distributions of the generated radiation are calculated with the Fishpact code*. The Monte Carlo code MARS** is used for modeling the radiation transport in matter. The detailed distributions of the generated field emission were used for studies with ILC-type superconducting RF cavities with accelerating gradients up to 35 MV/m in the Fermilab Vertical Cavity Test Facility. This approach allows us to minimize the amount of shielding inside cryostat which is an essential operational feature. * E. Donoghue et al., Proc. SRF-2005, Ithaca NY, June 2005, TuP67. |
THPEB038 | Design, Installation, and Initial Commissioning of the MTA Beamline | 3966 |
The Mucool Test Area (MTA) beamline is a dual purpose beamline. The primary purpose is to provide beam for Muon cooling experiments and the secondary purpose is to provide an emittance measuring station for the Linac. A description of the optics for the two different uses of the line will be given and the radiation protection aspects will be discussed. |