Paper | Title | Page |
TUPD018 | Electron-cloud Build-up Simulations in the Proposed PS2: Status Report | 1958 |
A replacement for the PS storage ring is being considered, in the context of the future LHC accelerator complex upgrade, that would likely place the new machine (the PS2) in a regime where the electron-cloud (EC) effect might be an operational limitation. We report here our present understanding of the ECE build-up based on simulations. We focus our attention on the bending magnets and the field-free regions, and consider both proposed bunch spacings of 25 and 50 ns. The primary model parameters exercised are the peak secondary emission yield (SEY) δmax, and the electron-wall impact energy at which SEY peaks, Emax. By choosing reasonable values for such quantities, and exploring variations around them, we estimate the range for the EC density ne to be expected in nominal operation. We present most of our results as a function of bunch intensity Nb, and we provide a tentative explanation for a curious non-monotonic behavior of ne as a function of Nb. We explore the sensitivity of ne to other variables such as the beam pipe radius in the field-free regions. |
TUPD020 | Studies of Space Charge Effects in the Proposed CERN PS2 | 1964 |
A new proton synchrotron, the PS2, is under design study to replace the the current proton synchrotron at CERN for the LHC upgrade. Nonlinear space charge effects could cause significant beam emittance growth and particle losses and limit the performance of the PS2. In this paper, we report on studies of the potential space-charge effects at the PS2 using three-dimensional self-consistent macroparticle tracking codes, IMPACT, MaryLie/IMPACT, and Synergia. We will present initial benchmark results among these codes. Effects of space-charge on the emittance growth, especially due to synchrotron coupling, and the aperture sizes will also be discussed. |
TUPD072 | E-cloud Driven Single-bunch Instabilities in PS2 | 2087 |
One of the options under consideration for a future upgrade of the LHC injector complex includes the replacement of PS with PS2 (a longer circumference and higher energy ring). Efforts are currently underway to design the new machine and characterize the beam dynamics. Electron cloud effects represent a potentially serious limitation to the achievement of the upgrade goals. We report on ongoing numerical studies aiming at estimating the e-cloud density threshold for the occurrence of single bunch instabilities or significant degradation of the beam emittance. We present selected results obtained in the more familiar quasi-static approximation and/or in the Lorentz-boosted frame. |
TUYMH02 | Electron Cloud at Low Emittance in CesrTA | 1251 |
The Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) has been reconfigured as a test accelerator (CesrTA) for a program of electron cloud (EC) research at ultra low emittance. The instrumentation in the ring has been upgraded with local diagnostics for measurement of cloud density and with improved beam diagnostics for the characterization of both the low emittance performance and the beam dynamics of high intensity bunch trains interacting with the cloud. Finally a range of EC mitigation methods have been deployed and tested. Measurements of cloud density and its impact on the beam under a range of conditions will be presented and compared with simulations. The effectiveness of a range of mitigation techniques will also be discussed. |
WEPE085 | Parameter Scan for the CLIC Damping Rings under the Influence of Intrabeam Scattering | 3542 |
Due to the high bunch density, the output emittances of the CLIC Damping Rings (DR) are strongly dominated by the effect of Intrabeam Scattering (IBS). In an attempt to optimize the ring design and using classical IBS formalisms and approximations, the scaling of the extracted emittances and IBS growth rates is being studied, with respect to several ring parameters including energy, bunch charge, optics and wiggler characteristics. Results from the simulations using a multi-particle tracking code are also presented. |
WEPE089 | Design Optimisation for the CLIC Damping Rings | 3554 |
The CLIC damping rings should produce the ultra-low emittance necessary for the high luminosity performance of the collider. This combined to the high bunch charge present a number of beam dynamics and technical challenges for the rings. Lattice studies have been focused on low emittance cells with optics that reduce the effect Intra-beam scattering. The final beam emittance is reached with the help of super-conducting damping wigglers. Results from recent simulations and prototype measurements are presented, including a detailed absorption scheme design. Collective effects such as electron cloud and fast ion instability can severely limit the performance and mitigation techniques have been identified and tested. Tolerances for alignment and technical system design such as kickers, RF cavities, magnets and vacuum have been finally established. |
THPE021 | Comparison of PS2 Lattices with Different Geometries | 4557 |
The PS2 ring is designed with negative momentum compaction arc cells and doublet straights. In this paper, different lattice geometries are considered. In particular, a two-fold symmetric lattice with dispersion suppressors and a 3-fold symmetric one with resonant arc cells are compared with respect to their optics properties, and ability to satisfy space and magnet constraints. The tuning flexibility of rings based on these two options is presented. Finally, the impact of different geometries on resonance excitation and dynamic aperture is evaluated. |
THPE022 | Linear Optimization and Tunability of the PS2 Lattice | 4560 |
The PS2 lattice, based on Negative Momentum Compaction (NMC) arc cells is being optimized in order to accommodate a new all-doublet long-straight section (LSS) design. Apart from smoothing the optics and enabling different tuning solutions for H- injection, the optimization focuses on increasing the available magnet-to-magnet drift space and reducing the quadrupole types and strengths. The variation of lattice parameters for a wide range of working points is presented. |
THPE023 | Non-Linear Analysis of the PS2 Negative Momentum Compaction Lattice | 4563 |
This paper describes a detailed analysis of various non-linear effects of the nominal Negative Momentum Compaction lattice for PS2. Chromaticity and orbit correction schemes together with dynamic aperture studies are presented. The impact of magnet errors is being assessed and tolerances are evaluated. Frequency and diffusion maps are produced and, combined with non-linear driving terms analysis, are used for working point optimization. |
WEPE022 | CLIC Energy Scans | 3395 |
The physics experiments at CLIC will require that the machine scans lower than nominal centre-of-mass energy. We present different options to achieve this and discuss the implications for luminosity and the machine design. |
WEPE097 | Recommendation for the Feasibility of More Compact LC Damping Rings | 3578 |
As part of the International Linear Collider (ILC) collaboration, we have compared the electron cloud effect for different Damping Ring designs respectively with 6.4 km and 3.2 km circumference and investigated the feasibility of a shorter damping ring with respect to the electron cloud build-up and related beam instability. These studies were carried out with beam parameters of the ILC Low Power option. A reduced damping ring circumference has been proposed for the new ILC baseline design and would allow to considerably reduce the number of components, wiggler magnets and costs. We also briefly discuss the plans for future studies including the luminosity upgrade option with shorter bunch spacing, the evaluation of mitigations and the integration of the CesrTA results into the Damping Ring design. |