Paper | Title | Page |
MOPEA033 | Characteristics of the Electron Linac Based Coherent Radiation Light Source at OPU | 139 |
The coherent synchrotron and transition radiation from the bunched electron beams of a linear accelerator (linac) has continuous spectra in a submillimeter to millimeter wavelength range at relatively high peak-intensity. The coherent radiation has been applied to absorption spectroscopy for various kinds of matters. However, the number of such light sources are very small. A new pulsed coherent transition radiation light source has been established by using the electron beams of a 18 MeV S-band electron linac at Osaka Prefecture University (OPU). In the linac pulsed electron beams are injected from a thermionic triode gun with a cathode-grid assembly at pulse lengths of 5 ns-4 μs at a pulse repetition rate of 500 pulses/s in maximum. The light source will be also applied to the pump-probe experiment using the pulsed electron beam or the pulsed coherent radiation as a beam for pumping matters and the coherent radiation for probing them. The transient properties of the matters excited with the electron beams or the coherent radiation will be investigated. The characteristics of the light source are reported. |