Paper | Title | Page |
TUPEB029 | Polarization in SuperB | 1587 |
The availability of longitudinally polarized electrons is an important aspect of the design of the proposed SuperB project at LNF Frascati. Spin rotators are an integral part of the design of the Interaction Region (IR). We have chosen a solenoid-dipole design; at the 4.18 GeV nominal energy this is more compact that a design purely based on dipole magnets. Integration with the local chromaticity correction of the ultra-low beta* IR has been achieved. The spin rotators are symmetric about the Interaction Point, this design saves a significant amount of length as the dipoles become a part of the overall 360 deg. bend. The layout leaves limited opportunity to setup the optics for minimum depolarization; this is acceptable since beam life time in SuperB at high luminosity is only about 5 min and up-to 90% polarized electrons will be injected continuously. In this way an average beam polarization of about 70% is maintained. Simulations and analytic estimates with the DESY code SLICKTRACK and other codes indicate such operation is feasible from a spin-dynamics point of view. The paper will discuss the overall spin-rotator design as well as the spin dynamics in the ring. |
TUPEB003 | The SuperB Project Accelerator Status | 1518 |
The SuperB project is an international effort aiming at building in Italy a very high luminosity e+e- (1036 cm-2 sec-1) asymmetric collider at the B mesons cm energy. The accelerator design has been extensively studied and changed during the past year. The present design, - based on the new collision scheme, with large Piwinski angle and the use of 'crab' sextupoles, which has been successfully tested at the DAPHNE Phi-Factory at LNF Frascati, - provides larger flexibility, better dynamic aperture and in the Low Energy Ring spin manipulation sections, needed for having longitudinal polarization of the electron beam at the Interaction Point. The Interaction Region has been further optimized in terms of apertures and reduced backgrounds in the detector. The injector complex design has been also updated. A summary of the design status, including details on lattice and spin manipulation will be presented in this paper. |
TUPEB006 | DAΦNE Developments for the KLOE-2 Experimental Run | 1527 |
Recently the peak luminosity achieved on the DAΦNE collider has been improved by almost a factor 3 by implementing a novel collision scheme based on large Piwinski angle and Crab-Waist. This encouraging result opened new perspectives for physics research and a new run with the KLOE-2 detector has been scheduled to start by spring 2010. The KLOE-2 installation is a complex operation requiring a careful design effort and a several months long shutdown. The high luminosity interaction region has been deeply revised in order to take into account the effect on the beam caused by the solenoidal field of the experimental detector and to ensure background rejection. The shutdown has been also used to implement several other modifications aimed at improving beam dynamics: the wiggler poles have been displaced from the magnet axis in order to cancel high order terms in the field, the feedback systems have been equipped with stronger power supplies and more efficient kickers and electrodes have been inserted inside the wiggler and the dipole vacuum chambers, in the positron ring, to avoid the e-cloud formation. A low level RF feedback has been added to the cavity control in both rings. |