Paper | Title | Page |
MOPE009 | Improvement of the Resolution of SR Interferometer at KEK-ATF Damping Ring | 972 |
Some of the improvement were done for an SR interferometer with the Herschelian reflective optics*. Previously, the measured vertical beam size was limited to around 5μm with a double slit separation of 40mm and wavelength of 400nm at the ATF damping ring. Double slit separation was mainly limited to the effective aperture of the optical path between the source point and interferometer. This time, we re-aligned the optical path, and as a result, the effective aperture was increased. Using this re-alignment we can have a double slit separation of up to 60mm. To reduce air turbulence, the optical path was covered with a tight air duct. After these improvements were made, we succeeded in measuring a vertical beam size of 3.4μm with double slit separation of 60mm and wavelength of 550nm, which corresponds to 5pm of the vertical emittance assuming 3m of the beta function. * T. Naito et. al. "Very Small Beam Size Measurement by Reflective SR Interferometer at KEK-ATF", Proc. of EPAC06, pp2772-2274. |
WEOBMH02 | Multi-bunch Beam Extraction using Strip-line Kicker at KEK-ATF | 2386 |
The beam extraction experiment using the strip-line kicker has been carried out at KEK-ATF. The specification of the International linear collider (ILC) is that the long bunch train (1320 - 5120 bunches), which has the bunch spacing of 189 - 480ns, is compressed to 3 or 6ns bunch spacing into the DR, and again decompressed from the DR. The kicker manipulates the changes of the bunch spacing. The kicker requires a fast rise/fall time (3 or 6ns) and a high repetition rate (3 or 6MHz). A multiple strip-line kicker system is the most promising candidate to realize the specification for the ILC*. The beam extraction experiment at KEK-ATF** using proto-type of the strip-line kicker was done by following parameters, up to 30 bunches of the multi-bunch in the DR, which has 5.6ns bunch spacing, are extracted bunch-by-bunch with 308ns interval to the extraction line. The stored multi-bunch was extracted successfully. The detail of the experiment and the result are reported. * T. Naito et. al., Proc. of PAC07, pp2772-2274. |