Paper | Title | Page |
MOPEA021 | PAMELA Overview and Status | 112 |
The status of PAMELA (Particle Accelerator for MEdicaL Applications) ' an accelerator for proton and light ion therapy using a non-scaling FFAG (ns-FFAG) accelerator ' is reviewed and discussed. |
MOPE068 | Diagnostic System Commissioning of the EMMA NS-FFAG Facility at Daresbury Laboratory | 1134 |
We present preliminary results of beam diagnostics for the world's first Non-Scaling FFAG Accelerator 'EMMA'. Amongst other means, a single-shot/turn-by-turn BPM system is used, that was first tested on the ALICE injector. The BPM system utilizes a front-end conversion of button pickup signals into flat-top-envelope 700 MHz bursts, time-domain multiplexing (in each plane, signals are made spaced by 13.8 ns), and the manufacture of both synchronous detector and ADC clocks directly from the beam signal. The system performance is discussed; results of beam-based resolution measurement are given. First turn beam trajectories furthest from the Septum and Kicker are presented. |
TUPEA058 | The EMMA LLRF System and its Synchronization with ALICE | 1467 |
The Low Level RF (LLRF) control system on EMMA (Electron Model for Many Applications), the world's first Non-Scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (NS-FFAG) accelerator is presently being installed and commissioned at Daresbury Laboratory. The LLRF is required to synchronize with ALICE (Accelerators and Lasers in Combined Experiments) its injector, which operates at 1.3GHz, and to produce an offset frequency as required (+1.5Mhz to -4MHz) to then maintain the phase and amplitude of the 19 copper RF cavities of the EMMA machine. The design and commissioning of the LLRF system is presented. |
TUPE048 | SRF Cryomodule and Cryogenics Developments for the New Light Source | 2251 |
The superconducting LINAC for the proposed New Light Source (NLS) project in the UK, will consist of 18 cryomodules operating at 1.8 K, each having 8, 1.3 GHz cavities operating in CW mode. The cryomodule design and cryogenic distribution scheme will be one of the key elements to achieve the desired performance from the superconducting RF (SRF) linac. Around the world, several large scale facilities (based on SRF linacs) are already operating (for example: CEBAF, SNS, FLASH) and several more have been proposed (XFEL, ILC, Cornell ERL, etc.). In this paper we define the requirements for an appropriate cryomodule, adopting proven L-band technology systems and also describe the cryogenic distribution scheme, in order to develop an effective and economic solution for the NLS. |
TUPE051 | SRF Linac Development for the New Light Source Project in the UK | 2260 |
A design optimisation has been performed for an L-band, SRF linac adopting cryomodule technology developed as part of the TESLA Technology Collaboration (TTC). A conventional XFEL cryomodule has been adopted as a baseline design and modified to allow for CW operation at a nominally high Qo level. An assessment of appropriate operating gradient, based upon expected sub-system component costs and SRF linac operating costs, has been performed. The associated cryomodule modifications to accommodate such a large dynamic load are also highlighted, along with identifying an appropriate RF control architecture which can achieve the stringent phase and amplitude stability requirements for NLS. |
WEPEC048 | Daresbury International Cryomodule Coupler Progress | 2998 |
The Daresbury international Cryomodule Collaboration requires a suitable RF coupler that will fit into the footprint of the ALICE cryomodule, with the ability of transfering potentially up to 30 kW CW of RF power into the cavity whilst maximising the capability for adjusting the coupling. For this a modified Cornell Injector coupler has been used. Modifications to the cold section was carried out. These couplers have now been assembled into a test cavity and conditioned to 30 kW pulsed, 10 kW CW. This paper describes the modifications required to fit inside the cryomodule and details of the tests that were carried out. |
TUPE096 | Recent Developments on ALICE (Accelerators and Lasers In Combined Experiments) at Daresbury Laboratory | 2350 |
Progress made in ALICE (Accelerators and Lasers In Combined Experiments) commissioning and a summary of the latest experimental results are presented in this paper. After an extensive work on beam loading effects in SC RF linac (booster) and linac cavities conditioning, ALICE can now operate in full energy recovery mode at the bunch charge of 40pC, the beam energy of 30MeV and train lengths of up to 100us. This improved operation of the machine resulted in generation of coherently enhanced broadband THz radiation with the energy of several tens of uJ per pulse and in successful demonstration of the Compton Backscattering x-ray source experiment. The next steps in the ALICE scientific programme are commissioning of the IR FEL and start of the research on the first non-scaling FFAG accelerator EMMA. Results from both projects will be also reported. |
THPEA077 | Cryogenic Refrigeration Equipment for the New Light Source (NLS) Superconducting LINAC | 3849 |
The proposed New Light Source (NLS) based on a CW superconducting linear accelerator requires large scale cryogenic refrigeration equipment comparable to some of largest installations around the world (for example CEBAF/SNS and LHC). The maximum refrigeration power requirement is estimated to be 3.4 kW at 1.8 K. The ratio of the dynamic to the static heat load is in excess of 20 and handling such large variations in the refrigeration power is the key issue in the development of the cryogenic system for NLS. In this paper we present our approach to address the issues relating to efficient and reliable operability, operational functionality and capital costs, in order to develop an effective and economic solution for NLS. |
THPEB055 | Progress on the MICE RF System | 3996 |
The Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment (MICE) is being constructed at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK. A muon beam will be cooled through a process of absorption using hydrogen absorbers and acceleration using 200MHz copper RF cavities. This paper describes the RF power source used to accelerate the muon beam, testing of the high voltage power supplies and amplifiers to date and progress on the RF distribution scheme to the accelerating cavities. |
THPEB056 | Progress of the RF System for EMMA at Daresbury Laboratory | 3999 |
The RF system on EMMA (Electron Model for Many Applications), the world's first Non-Scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (NS-FFAG) accelerator is presently being installed and commissioned at Daresbury Laboratory. The RF system is required to provide precise amplitude and phase control to each of the 19 identical normal conducting, 1.3 GHz RF cavities which provide the acceleration of the electron beam from 10 MeV to 20 MeV. The system incorporates a high power RF system, which includes a single 100 kW Inductive Output Tube (IOT), a unique RF distribution system and a low level RF (LLRF) control system. The design of the RF system and the commissioning progress to date is presented. |
THPEC090 | The EMMA Non-scaling FFAG | 4266 |
The Electron Model for Many Applications (EMMA) will be the World's first non-scaling FFAG and is under construction at the STFC Daresbury Laboratory in the UK. Construction is due for completion in March 2010 and will be followed by commissioning with beam and a detailed experimental programme to study the functioning of this type of accelerator. This paper will give an overview of the motivation for the project and describe the EMMA design and hardware. The first results from commissioning will be presented in a separate paper. |