Paper | Title | Page |
TUPD006 | 3D PIC Computation of a Transversal Tune Shift caused by an Electron Cloud in a Positron Storage Ring | 1928 |
The electron cloud, which is initially presumed as a homogeneous distribution of static electrons, changes its transverse centroid position very fast during the passage of even a single bunch. This is due to the strong focusing transverse field of the highly relativistic positron bunch. As the density of the electrons near the beam axis grows, its impact on the beam becomes stronger. The interaction of the electron cloud with the bunch results with the shift of the betatron tune of the coherent dipole motion of the beam. In this paper we simulated the dipole tune shift of the beam interacting with the electron cloud by taking also in to account the own space-charge forces of the electrons which strongly affect the motion of the electrons during the passage of the bunch. We computed the tune shift for different transverse size and density of the electron cloud. |