Paper | Title | Page |
TUPEA052 | DLLRF and Beam Trip Analysis in the Storage Ring of SSRF | 1449 |
The digital low level radio frequency (DLLRF) system and the beam trip diagnostic system in the storage ring of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) have been operational for more than one year. The DLLRF has successfully maintained the amplitude and phase stability of the cavity field in the superconducting cavity even when the beam current in the storage ring reached 300mA at 3.5GeV, and the beam trip diagnostic system has been realized and is helpful for improving the reliability of the RF system. |
WEPEA047 | Operation of SRF in the Storage Ring of SSRF | 2594 |
The superconducting RF system has been operated successfully in the storage ring of SSRF since July, 2008. The superconducting RF modules integrated with 310 kW transmitters and digital low level radio frequency (LLRF) control are adopted to provide about 4.5 MV cavity voltages to 3.5GeV electron beam. The operation status of SRF system is mainly reported here, the problems we met are analyzed, and the operation with normal conducting cavity systems is introduced briefly. The challenge for us is to improve the system reliability and machine performance. |
MOPEC022 | Compact 400-MHz Half-wave Spoke Resonator Crab Cavity for the LHC Upgrade | 504 |
Crab cavities are proposed for the LHC upgrade to improve the luminosity. There are two possible crab cavity installations for the LHC upgrade: the global scheme at Interaction Region (IR) 4 where the beam-beam separation is about 420-mm, and the local scheme at the IR5 where the beam-beam separation is only 194-mm. One of the design requirements as the result of a recent LHC-Crab cavity workshop is to develop a 400-MHz cavity design that can be utilized for either the global or local schemes at IR4 or IR5. Such a design would offer more flexibility for the final upgrade installation, as the final crabbing scheme is yet to be determined, and save R&D cost. The cavity size of such a design, however, is limited by the beam-beam separation at IR5 which can only accommodate a cavity with a horizontal size of about 145-mm, which is a design challenge for a 400-MHz cavity. To meet the new design requirements, we have developed a compact 400-MHz half-wave spoke resonator (HWSR) crab cavity that can fit into the tight spaces available at either IR4 or IR5. In this paper, we present the optimization of the HWSR cavity shape and the design of HOM, LOM, and SOM couplers for wakefield damping. |
TUPEC022 | X-band Photoinjector Beam Dynamics | 1761 |
SLAC is studying the feasibility of using an X-band RF photocathode gun to produce low emittance bunches for applications such as an MeV gamma source (in collaboration with LLNL) and an injector for a compact FEL. Systematic beam dynamics study are being done for a 5.5 cell X-band gun followed by several 53 cm long high-gradient X-band accelerator structures. A fully 3D program, ImpactT*, is used to track particles taking into account space charge forces, short-range longitudinal and transverse wakefields and the 3D rf fields in the structures, including the quadrupole component of the couplers. The effect of misalignments of the various elements (drive-laser, gun, solenoid and accelerator structures) are being evaluated. This paper presents these results and estimates of the expected bunch emittance versus bunch charge and cathode gradient. *Ji Qiang, LBNL-62326, January 25, 2007. |
THPD016 | Upgrade of the Drive LINAC for the AWA Facility Dielectric Two-Beam Accelerator | 4310 |
We report on the design of a 7 cell, standing wave, 1.3 GHz LINAC cavity and the associated beam dynamics studies for the upgrade of the drive beamline for the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) facility. The LINAC design is a compromise between single bunch operation (100 nC @ 75 MeV) and minimizing the energy droop due to beam loadning along the bunch train during bunch train operation. The 1.3 GHz drive bunch train target parameters are: 75 MeV, 10-20 ns macropulse duration, 16x60nC microbunches; this is equivalent to a macropulse current and beam power of 80 Amps and 6 GW, respectively. Each LINAC structure accelerates approximately 1000 nC in 10 ns by a voltage of 11 MV at an RF power of 10 MW. Due to the short bunch train duration desired (~10 ns) and the existing frequency (1.3 GHz), compensation of the energy droop along the bunch train is difficult to accomplish with the two standard techniques: time-domain or frequency-domain beam loading compensation. Therefore, to minimize the energy droop, our design is based on a large stored energy LINACs. In this paper, we present our LINAC optimization method, detailed LINAC design, and beam dynamics studies of the drive beamline. |