Paper | Title | Page |
WEPEA010 | Operation and Performance Upgrade of the SOLEIL Storage Ring | 2493 |
The SOLEIL synchrotron light source is now delivering photons to 20 beamlines with a current of 400 mA in top-up mode. The long and short term H and V beam position stabilities are in the range of one micron thanks to the efficient slow and fast orbit feedbacks, and to the improved tunnel temperature regulation. The bunch by bunch transverse feedback is running with two independent H and V loops. To enable canted undulator implementations, a 3 magnet chicane has been installed in a medium straight whereas an additional triplet of quadrupole was inserted in the middle of a long straight to create a double low vertical beta. 17 insertion devices are now installed in the storage ring, 2 will be added early 2010, 8 are under construction, including a cryogenic undulator. Following the significant progression of the vacuum conditioning, the lifetime is now mainly Touchek limited. An electron bunch slicing set-up is also being installed to provide 100 fs long X-rays pulses to two existing beamlines. ~4500 hours will have been delivered in 2009 to the Beamlines with an availability above 96 % thanks to the very reliable operation of the unique SOLEIL RF system. |
WEPEA012 | Status of the SOLEIL Femtosecond X-ray Source | 2499 |
An electron bunch slicing set-up is being installed on the SOLEIL storage ring, based on Zholents and Zolotorev method [1]. This will provide 100 fs long X-ray pulses with reasonable flux to two existing beamlines, working with soft X-rays (TEMPO) and hard X-rays (CRISTAL). The parameters of the laser system and of the wiggler modulator, and the optimisation of the laser focusing optics and beam path, from the laser hutch in the experimental hall to the inside of the storage ring tunnel have been finalised. The construction work will start early 2010, including the ordering of the laser, the construction of the laser hutch, the construction of the wiggler, the installation of a new modified vacuum dipole chamber by which the laser will enter into the ring, and the modifications of some components in the beamlines front-ends to provide the best possible separation of the sliced X-Ray. In this paper, we will report on the status of the installation of the set-up and the expected performances including laser-electron interaction efficiency, halo background effect and the possible operation filling patterns. |