Paper | Title | Page |
MOPD062 | H-Mode Accelerating Structures with PMQ Focusing for Low-Beta Ion Beams | 828 |
We are developing high-efficiency normal-conducting RF accelerating structures based on inter-digital H-mode (IH) cavities and the transverse beam focusing with permanent-magnet quadrupoles (PMQ), for beam velocities in the range of a few percent of the speed of light. Such IH-PMQ accelerating structures following a short RFQ can be used in the front end of ion linacs or in stand-alone applications, e.g. a compact deuteron-beam accelerator up to the energy of several MeV. Results of combined 3-D modeling for a full IH-PMQ accelerator tank ' electromagnetic computations, beam-dynamics simulations with high currents, and thermal-stress analysis ' are presented. The accelerating field profile in the tank is tuned to provide the best beam propagation using coupled iterations of electromagnetic and beam-dynamics modeling. A cold model of the IH-PMQ tank is being manufactured. |
WEPE075 | Large-Acceptance Linac for Accelerating Low-Energy Muons | 3518 |
We propose a high-gradient linear accelerator for accelerating low-energy muons and pions in a strong solenoidal magnetic field. The acceleration starts immediately after collection of pions from a target by solenoidal magnets and brings muons to a kinetic energy of about 200 MeV over a distance of the order of 10 m. At this energy, both an ionization cooling of the muon beam and its further acceleration in a superconducting linac become feasible. The project presents unique challenges ' a very large energy spread in a highly divergent beam, as well as pion and muon decays ' requiring large longitudinal and transverse acceptances. One potential solution incorporates a normal-conducting linac consisting of independently fed 0-mode RF cavities with wide apertures closed by thin metal windows or grids. The guiding magnetic field is provided by external superconducting solenoids. The cavity choice, overall linac design considerations, and simulation results of muon acceleration are presented. While the primary applications of such a linac are for homeland defense and industry, it can provide muon fluxes high enough to be of interest for physics experiments. |
WEPE076 | Simulation of Large Acceptance Muon Linac | 3521 |
Many groups are working on muon accelerators for future neutrino factory and muon colliders. One of the applications of muon accelerator is muon radiography which is a promising method to investigate large objects taking advantage of the long penetration lengths of muons. We propose a compact muon accelerator that has a large energy and a phase acceptance to capture relatively low energy pion/muon of 10 - 100 MeV and accelerates them to 200 MeV without any beam cooling. Like an RFQ, mixed buncher/acceleration mode provides phase bunching during the acceleration. Our current design uses 805 MHz zero-mode normal-conducting cavities with 35 MV/m peak field*. The normal conducting cavities are surrounded by superconducting coils that produce 5 T focusing field. We ran Monte Carlo simulations to optimize linac parameters such as frequency and acceleration gradient. Muon energy loss and scattering effects at the cavity windows are studied, too. The simulation showed that about 10 % of the pion/muon injected into the linac can be accelerated to 200 MeV. Further acceleration is possible with superconducting linac. * S. Kurennoy et al., IPAC 2010. |