Paper | Title | Page |
MOPEB068 | Nuclear Data Measurements with a Pulsed Neutron Facility based on an Electron Linac | 430 |
We report the activities by using the pulsed neutron facility which consists of an electron linear accelerator, a water-cooled Ta target, and a 12-m time-of-flight path. It can be possible to measure the neutron total cross-sections in the neutron energy range from 0.01 eV to few hundreds eV by using the neutron time-of-flight method. A 6LiZnS(Ag) glass scintillator was used as a neutron detector. The neutron flight path from the water-cooled Ta target to the neutron detector was 12.1 m. The background level was determined by using notch-filters of Co, In, Ta, and Cd sheets. In order to reduce the gamma rays from Bremsstrahlung and those from neutron capture, we employed a neutron-gamma separation system based on their different pulse shapes. The present measurements of several samples (Dy, Nb) are in general agreement with the evaluated data in ENDF/B-VII. The resonance parameters were extracted from the transmission data from the SAMMY fitting and compared with the previous ones. We also report the isomeric yield ratios for isomeric pairs produced from photonuclear reactions by using the bremsstrahlung photons from the 70-MeV electron linac. |
MOPE039 | Beam Parameter Measurements of fs-THz Linac at PAL | 1059 |
At Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, a femto-second THz facility was constructed for the experiments using femto-second THz radiation. The fs-THz radiation is generated from 60-MeV electron linac which consists of a photocathode RF gun, two accelerating columns, and two magnetic-chicane bunch compressors. The coherent transition radiation (CTR) is used for THz radiation generation. To generate high intensity THz radiation, the electron bunch length should be smaller than 200 fs. We report THz image obtained using IR-CCD camera and measured beam parameters including bunch length, energy spread, charge, emittance, and transverse beam size. |
WEPEC045 | Taper Shape Effects on the HOM Damping of the PLS-II SRF Cavities | 2989 |
In the PLS-II storage ring, the available length of a long straight section for RF system is 6.28 m, which is from quadrupole magnet to quadrupole magnet beam-pipe valves with an elliptical transverse cross section. In this room, two beam-pipe transitions from elliptical to circle cross section, two commercial cryomodules with a circle transverse cross section, three bellows for adjusting cryomodule length and four vacuum valves could need to be installed. Two commercial cryomodules are too long to be installed into this section. In order to install two cryomodules into this section, we need to modify the tapers for reducing the total length of these parts. In this paper, the HOM damping effects for different taper shapes has been studied. The beam loss factor influence and broad-band impedance change due to taper shape changes have been estimated. |
WEPEC046 | Design of Superconducting RF System for PLS-II Upgrade | 2992 |
The RF system for PLS-II upgrade, of which beam current and emittance are 400 mA and 5.6 nmrad at 3 GeV, becomes much more important compared to PLS. To reduce the HOM intensity in RF cavities for stable beam, a superconducting RF cavity is selected for the PLS-II. The RF system has to compensate beam loss power of 663 kW from 24 bending magnets, 20 insertion devices and other losses by RF HOM and broadband losses along vacuum chambers. For sufficient energy acceptance and lifetime the design RF voltage is 4.5 MV. Three 500 MHz superconducting cavities will be operated from October 2012, following successful commissioning with PLS NC cavities from July 2011. For the 3 SRF cryomodules, a 700 W class He cryogenic system will be prepared in 2011. The design of PLS-II SRF system including cryogenic system will be reported in the paper. |