Paper | Title | Page |
MOPE068 | Diagnostic System Commissioning of the EMMA NS-FFAG Facility at Daresbury Laboratory | 1134 |
We present preliminary results of beam diagnostics for the world's first Non-Scaling FFAG Accelerator 'EMMA'. Amongst other means, a single-shot/turn-by-turn BPM system is used, that was first tested on the ALICE injector. The BPM system utilizes a front-end conversion of button pickup signals into flat-top-envelope 700 MHz bursts, time-domain multiplexing (in each plane, signals are made spaced by 13.8 ns), and the manufacture of both synchronous detector and ADC clocks directly from the beam signal. The system performance is discussed; results of beam-based resolution measurement are given. First turn beam trajectories furthest from the Septum and Kicker are presented. |
THPD028 | Preparations for EMMA Commissioning | 4337 |
The first results from commissioning EMMA - the Electron Model of Many Applications- are summarised in this paper. EMMA is a 10 to 20 MeV electron ring designed to test our understanding of beam dynamics in a relativistic linear non-scaling fixed field alternating gradient accelerator (FFAG). EMMA will be the world's first non-scaling FFAG and the paper will outline the characteristics of the beam injected in to the accelerator as well as summarising the results of the extensive EMMA systems commissioning. The paper will report on the results of simulations of this commissioning and on the progress made with beam commissioning. |
THPEC090 | The EMMA Non-scaling FFAG | 4266 |
The Electron Model for Many Applications (EMMA) will be the World's first non-scaling FFAG and is under construction at the STFC Daresbury Laboratory in the UK. Construction is due for completion in March 2010 and will be followed by commissioning with beam and a detailed experimental programme to study the functioning of this type of accelerator. This paper will give an overview of the motivation for the project and describe the EMMA design and hardware. The first results from commissioning will be presented in a separate paper. |