Paper | Title | Page |
TUPEB012 | Optics Measurement at the Interaction Point using Nearby Position Monitors in KEKB | 1539 |
Optics parameters at the interaction point, beta, x-y coupling, dispersion and their chromatic aberrations, seriously affect the beam-beam performance as is shown in experiments and simulations. The control of the optics parameters is essential to maintain the high luminosity in KEKB. They drift day by day, or before and after the beam abort. They were often monitored at intervals of the operation with taking the study time. They are recently measured during the physics run using a pilot bunch without collision. We show the measured the optics parameters and their variations and discuss the relation to the luminosity. |
TUPD007 | Peculiar Variations in Bunch Length Observed at KEKB | 1931 |
KEKB, an asymmetric electron/positron double-ring collider, utilizes the crab cavity to perform the head-on collision at the interaction point. We observed peculiar phenomena at the transition from the collision to non-collision, where the bunch length slightly changed, even though the beam current and the RF related parameters were almost constant. We also observed that the transverse beam size of both beams changed at the transition. An experimental study was carried out to investigate whether the bunch length would change or not, when the vertical beam size was intentionally changed. The bunch length was measured using a monitor based on the beam spectrum with a resolution of 0.01 mm. We found that the bunch length slightly changed together with the vertical beam size under non-colliding condition. We expect that the change in the bunch length is not caused by the colliding effects, but is related to the longitudinal space charge transformed from the transverse plane. Since the longitudinal space charge effect is negligible for the relativistic beams, some tilting effect of a bunch is suspected. |
TUPD008 | Measurement of Wakefield Effects caused by Electron Cloud at KEKB | 1934 |
Electron cloud instabilities are a great concern for the KEKB, an electron/positron collider. In order to study wakefield effects of electron cloud, a test bunch was injected behind a bunch train with the solenoid fields off, where cloud density rapidly decayed. A current-dependent tune shift and the tune spread of a test bunch were measured as a function of the bunch current while varying the bucket position of a test bunch. The vertical tune shift indicated a strong defocusing force together with widened tune spread in a region of relatively low cloud density and low bunch current. However, the vertical tune shift changed to a focusing force at high cloud density and high bunch current. On the other hand, the horizontal and vertical tune spreads tended to approach a constant value as increasing the bunch current. The turning current is approximately equal to the threshold current of the vertical size blow-up. |
WEPEA034 | Development and Operational Status of PF-Ring and PF-AR | 2561 |
KEK manages two synchrotron radiation sources, Photon Factory storage ring (PF-ring) of 2.5 GeV and Photon Factory advanced ring (PF-AR) of 6.5 GeV. These rings share an injector linac with the two main rings of KEK B-factory, 8-GeV HER and 3.5-GeV LER. Recently, the linac has succeeded in a pulse by pulse multi-energy acceleration. A top-up operation of PF-ring has been realized as the simultaneous continuous injection to the 3 rings, PF-ring, HER and LER. Development of new injection scheme using a pulsed sextupole magnet continues aiming at practical use in the top-up operation. A rapid-polarization-switching device consisting of tandem two APPLE-II type undulators has been developed at PF-ring. The first undulator was installed in 2008, and the second one will be installed in 2010 summer. PF-AR, operated in a single-bunch mode at all times, has been suffered from sudden lifetime drop phenomena attributed to dust trapping for many years. Using the movable electrodes installed for experiment, we confirmed that the discharge created by the electrode was followed by the dust trapping, and succeeded in a visual observation of luminous dust streaking in front of CCD cameras. |
WEOAMH02 | Recent Progress of KEKB | 2372 |
KEKB is an e-/e+ collider for the study of B physics and is also used for machine studies for future machines. The peak luminosity of KEKB, which is the world-highest value, has been still increasing. This report summarizes recent progress at KEKB. |