Paper | Title | Page |
MOPEC066 | Status of Mass Production of the ACS Cavity for the J-PARC Linac Energy Upgrade | 618 |
The mass production of the ACS (Annular Coupled Structure) cavity started from March 2009 for the J-PARC Linac energy upgrade from 181 MeV to 400 MeV. This upgrade project requires 18 ACS accelerating modules and two debunchers additionally within three years. The construction schedule is so tight that we have to optimize the fabrication process. For example the geometrical beta is varied for each accelerating module, thus the several test cells were fabricated and for the all beta before the mass production to confirm the initial design and the frequency tuning procedure. This paper describes our approach for the mass production and the current status and results. |
MOPEC067 | Status of the J-PARC RFQ | 621 |
The J-PARC RFQ (length 3.1m, 4-vane type, 324 MHz) accelerates a beam from the ion source to the DTL. The beam test of the linac was started in November 2006 and 181 MeV beam was successfully accelerated in January 2007. Since then, the linac has been delivered beams for commissioning of the linac itself, downstream accelerators and facilities. Trip rates of the RFQ, however, unexpectedly increased in Autumn 2008, and we have been suffering from this issue for user run operation since then. We tried to recover by tender conditioning, modification of RF control, improvement of vacuum properties and so on. By taking these measures, we manage to have 2 to 3 days continuous beam operation. In this report, we describe the status of the RFQ. |
MOPD043 | Thermal Characteristics of a New RFQ for J-PARC | 780 |
A new RFQ for the J-PARC linac is under construction for more stable operation. The requirement of this RFQ is almost same as the now-operating one; the resonant frequency is 324MHz, the injection energy is 50 keV, the extraction energy is 3 MeV, peak beam current is 30 mA, and RF duty is 1.5%. The resonant frequency tuning during operation will be done by adjusting the temperatures of the cooling waters. In this paper, thermal characteristics of this RFQ and control system of the cooling water temperature is described. |
MOPD044 | Fabrication of the New RFQ for the J-PARC Linac | 783 |
The J-PARC RFQ (length 3.1m, 4-vane type, 324 MHz) accelerates a negative hydrogen beam from 0.05MeV to 3MeV toward the following DTL. As the trip rates of the practically using RFQ increased in autumn 2008, we started the preparation of a new RFQ as a backup machine. The beam dynamics design of the new RFQ is the same as the current cavity, however, the engineering and RF designs are changed. The processes of the vane machining and the surface treatments have been carefully considered to reduce the discharge problem. The vacuum brazing technique has been chosen for vane integration. In this report, the detailed design will be described with the progress of the fabrication of the new RFQ. |
TUPEA046 | LLRF Controller Upgrade for the J-PARC 400 MeV LINAC | 1434 |
The output energy of the J-PARC LINAC will be upgraded from 181 to 400 MeV in the next two years by adding high-beta acceleration sections. The upgrade of the FPGA-based digital LLRF controller for the 400 MeV LINAC will be presented in this paper. The new LLRF control system works for both the 324 MHz low-beta and 972 MHz high-beta sections. Many functions are added into the LLRF controller, such as 1) working for different RF frequencies, 2) gradually increasing the feedback gains in the feedback loop instead of fixed ones, 3) automatic chopped-beam compensation, 4) automatically switching the beam loading compensation in accordance with the different beam operation mode, 5) input rf-frequency tuning carried out by a FPGA to match the rf cavities during the rf start-up, 6) auto-tuning of the rf cavity tuner by detecting the phase curve of the rf cavity during the field decay instead of the phase difference between the cavity input and output signals. |
TUPEA051 | Application of Digital Narrow Band Noise to J-PARC Main Ring | 1446 |
Applying narrow band longitudinal noise to the beam in J-PARC Main Ring in flattop, while the acceleration voltage is off might help to counteract the effect of ripple on the slow extraction. For this purpose, a complex noise sequence output by DSP modulates a custom made DDS synthesizer to create single side spectra without carrier. The noise is calculated starting from a description in frequency domain. Then an algorithm creates narrow band spectra with optimized behavior in time domain. Frequency domain data is transformed to time domain, and the amplitude is smoothed. The smoothed data is transformed back to frequency domain, and the spectral shape is restored. This process repeats until the amplitude in time domain has converged, while the desired spectrum shape is preserved. Noise generated in this way can be tailored for different requirements. We show the signal properties, the hardware, and preliminary beam test results, when the noise is applied to the MR RF system. |
MOPEC065 | Recent Status and Future Plan of J-PARC MA Loaded RF Systems | 615 |
The Japan Proton Accelerator Complex includes the 3GeV rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) and the 50GeV main ring synchrotron (MR). Both synchrotrons use the high field gradient magnetic alloy (MA) loaded cavities. In RCS, 11 RF systems have been fully operational since December 2008. The RCS RF systems are operated with dual-harmonic acceleration voltages. Beam acceleration and bunch shape manipulation are efficiently taking place. 120kW of the neutron user operation was started at the Material and Life science facilities in November 2009. In MR synchrotron, the 5th RF system were installed in August 2009, and therefore 5 RF systems are now in operation. Beam commissioning for delivering protons to the hadron facility and neutrino beam experimental facility are under way. The neutrino user experiment is intended to start January 2010. Proton beam operation with more than 100kW is required. The approaches to realizing high intensity operation and the MR upgrade plan will be presented. |
TUPEA050 | Dual-harmonic Phase Control in the J-PARC RCS | 1443 |
The wide-band RF cavities in the J-PARC RCS are operated in the dual-harmonic operation, in which each single cavity is driven by a superposition of the fundamental and the second harmonic RF signals. By the dual-harmonic operation large amplitude second harmonic signals for the bunch shape manipulation are generated without extra cavities. The phase control of the second harmonic RF is a key for the bunch shape manipulation. The fundamental RF signal is controlled by the phase feedback loop to damp the dipole oscillation. The second harmonic is locked to the phase of the vector-sum phase of the fundamental RF signals. We present the system detail and the performance in the beam operation of the RCS. |
TUPD010 | Simulation of Longitudinal Emittance Control in J-PARC RCS | 1940 |
The Longitudinal emittance in J-PARC RCS should be controlled to accelerate a high intensity proton beam with minimal beam loss. In order to study and minimize the beam loss during acceleration, the optimized way to add the 2nd higher harmonic rf has been calculated by a particle tracking code. Furthermore, the bunch shape at RCS extraction should be controlled and optimized for the MR injection. For this purpose, the optimum RCS acceleration pattern has been calculated. We describe the simulation results and the comparison with the beam test. |
THPEA011 | Simulation of Magnetic Alloy Loaded RF Cavity and HOM Analysis | 3697 |
The RF cavity using Magnetic Alloy (MA) cores has been developed for achieving the high field gradient in J-PARC. For reducing the beam loading effects, the Q-value of the RF cavities in the Main Ring (MR) is controlled by using the cut-core configuration. In order to check the effect of HOMs between the cut-core gap, a simulation method of MA cores was studied and electromagnetic fields of excitation modes have been calculated by HFSS. We present the detail of the simulation method of MA cores and the HOM analysis of the cavity with the cut-cores. |
THPEA016 | Developments of Magnetic Alloy Cores with Higher Impedance for J-PARC Upgrade | 3711 |
Magnetic alloy cavities are successfully used for J-PARC synchrotrons. These cavities generate much higher RF voltage than ordinary ferrite cavities. For future upgrades of J-PARC facilities, a higher field gradient is necessary. It was found that the characteristics of magnetic alloy is improved by a new annealing scheme under magnetic field. A large production system using an old cyclotron magnet is under construction for the J-PARC upgrade. The status of core development will be reported. |
THPEA019 | Thermal Deformation of Magnetic Alloy Cores for J-PARC RCS RF Cavities | 3717 |
Several magnetic alloy cores of the RF cavities, which are installed in the 3 GeV rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) of J-PARC have shown buckling after about two years operation. To find the reason, why the local deformation happened, we made a test setup. There we heat up MA cores in air by 500 kHz RF and measure the thermal deformation in order to collect information about the buckling process. The results obtained by comparing the expansion of cores made by different production methods are reported. |
THPEA022 | Condition of MA Cores in the RF Cavities of J-PARC Synchrotrons after Several Years of Operation | 3723 |
We have been operating the RF cavities loaded with MA cores with a high field gradient of more than 20 kV/m since October 2007. We have been measuring the RF cavity impedance at the shutdown periods, and we detected the impedance reductions of RCS RF cavities on January and June 2009. Taking out the RF cavities from the beam line and opening them, we found that many of cores showed a buckling at the inner radius. Also detachment of the epoxy coating intended to prevent rusting was observed. We report the detail of condition of MA cores and the relation between the impedance reduction and core condition. |