Paper | Title | Page |
MOPD094 | Single Bunch Operation at ANKA: Gun Performance, Timing and First Results | 924 |
A new 90 kV e-gun had been installed at the 50 MeV microtron at ANKA. The emittance of the gun has been measured in long pulse mode (1 us, 200 mA) with a pepper-pot, resulting in 5 u.rad RMS normalised emittance. The single pulse width is less than 1 ns, resulting in a bunch purity in the storage ring of better 0.5 %. The old timing system for gun and injection elements based on 4 Stanford delay generator has now been replaced by an event driven system from Micro-Research Finland (MRF). This consists of one event generator and one event receiver. Visualisation and programming is achieved with PVSS from ETM Austria. The e-gun trigger can be adjusted in 10 ps steps. The entire system is phase locked to the 499.69 MHz RF signal. |
TUPD027 | Beam Coupling Impedance Measurements at the ANKA Electron Storage Ring | 1982 |
We present results of a series of measurements aimed at characterizing the beam coupling impedances in the ANKA electron storage ring. The measurements include transverse coherent tune shifts, bunch lengthening and synchronous phase shift as a function of single bunch current. These were performed under a variety of conditions in the ANKA ring, including injection energy (500 MeV), nominal operating energy (2.5 GeV) as well as at 1.3 GeV and in the low alpha mode and are part of a longer term effort to understand the ANKA impedance over a wide frequency range. |
WEPEA019 | Beam Studies for TBONE | 2520 |
The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) proposes to build a new light source called TBONE (THz Beam Optics for New Experiments), which aims at a spectral range from 0.1 to 150 THz with a peak power of several MW and a pulse length of only 5 fs. In order to achieve this, a beam transport system with minimal losses and a high bunch compression is required. In this paper we present first beam dynamic simulations of the superconducting linac as well as the bunch compressor and give a short status report of the TBONE project. |
WEPEA022 | Studies of Polarisaion of Coherent THz Edge Radiation at the ANKA Storage Ring | 2529 |
In synchrotron radiation sources coherent radiation is emitted when the bunch length is comparable to or shorter than the wavelength of the emitted radiation. At the ANKA storage ring this radiation is observed as so-called edge radiation (emitted in the fringe field of a bending magnet). This radiation exhibits a radial polarisation pattern. The observed pattern, however, is influenced by the radiation transport in the beam line. A detector system based on a superconducting NbN ultra-fast bolometer with an intrinsic response time of about 100 ps as well as conventional Si bolometers were used to study the beam polarisaion. This paper reports the observations made during measurements. |