Paper | Title | Page |
MOPEC009 | LHC Abort Gap Monitoring and Cleaning | 474 |
Unbunched beam is a potentially serious issue in the LHC as it may quench the superconducting magnets during a beam abort. Unbunched particles, either not captured by the RF system at injection or leaking out of the RF bucket, will be removed by using the existing damper kickers to excite resonantly the particles in the abort gap. Following beam simulations, a strategy for cleaning the abort gap at different energies was proposed. The plans for the commissioning of the beam abort gap cleaning are described, and the first results from the beam commissioning are presented. |
MOPE055 | Design for a Longitudinal Density Monitor for the LHC | 1098 |
Synchrotron radiation is currently used on LHC for beam imaging and for monitoring the proton population in the 3 microsecond abort gap. In addition to these existing detectors, a study has been initiated to provide longitudinal density profiles of the LHC beams with a high dynamic range and a 50ps time resolution. This would allow for the precise measurement both of the bunch shape and the number of particles in the bunch tail or drifting into ghost bunches. A solution is proposed based on counting synchrotron light photons with two fast avalanche photo‐diodes (APD) operated in Geiger mode. One is free‐running but heavily attenuated and can be used to measure the core of the bunch. The other is much more sensitive, for the measurement of the bunch tails, but must be gated off during the passage of the core of the bunch to prevent the detector from saturating. An algorithm is then applied to combine the two measurements and correct for the detector dead time, after pulsing and pile‐up effects. Initial results from laboratory testing of this system are described in this paper. |
MOPE057 | First Beam Measurements with the LHC Synchrotron Light Monitors | 1104 |
On the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the continuous monitoring of the transverse sizes of the beams relies on the use of synchrotron radiation and intensified video cameras. Depending on the beam energy different synchrotron light sources must be used. A dedicated superconducting undulator has been built for low beam energies (450 GeV to 3 TeV), while edge and centre radiation from a beam separation dipole magnet are used respectively for intermediate and high energies (up to 7 TeV). The emitted visible photons are collected using a retractable mirror, which sends the light into an optical system adapted for acquisition using intensified CCD cameras. This paper presents the performance of the imaging system in terms of spatial resolution, and comments on the light intensity obtained and the cross calibration performed with the wire scanners. Upgrades and future plans are also discussed. |
TUPEC039 | Injected Beam Dynamics in SPEAR3 | 1811 |
As SPEAR3 moves closer to trickle-charge topup injection, the complex phase-space dynamics of the injected beam becomes increasingly important for capture efficiency and machine protection. In the horizontal plane the beam executes ~12mm betatron oscillations and begins to filament within 10's of turns. In the vertical plane the beam is more stable but a premium is placed on flat-orbit injection through the Lambertson septum and the correct optical match. Longitudinally, energy spread in the booster is converted to arrival-time dispersion by the strong R56 component in the transfer line. In this paper, we report on turn-by-turn imaging of the injected beam in both the transverse plane and in the longitudinal direction using a fast-gated ccd and streak camera, respectively. |
WEOCMH03 | Bunch Length Measurements with Laser/SR Cross-Correlation | 2408 |
By operating SPEAR3 in the quasi-isochronous (low-alpha) mode, one can produce synchrotron radiation with pulse durations of order 1ps. Applications include pump-probe x-ray science and the production of THz radiation. Measurements of short pulse lengths are difficult, however, because the light intensity is low and streak camera resolution is of order 2ps. Bunch arrival time and timing jitter are also important factors. In order to further quantify the pulse length and timing system performance, a 5MHz, 50fs mode-locked laser was used to cross-correlate with the visible SR beam in a BBO crystal. The 800nm laser pulse was delayed with a precision mechanical stage and the product SHG radiation detected with a photodiode / lock-in amplifier using the ring frequency as reference. In this paper we report on the experimental setup, preliminary pulse length measurements and prospects for further improvement. |
WEPEB072 | First Operation of the Abort Gap Monitor for LHC | 2863 |
The LHC beam dump system relies on extraction kickers that need 3 microseconds to rise up to their nominal field. As a consequence, particles crossing the kickers during this rise time will not be dumped properly. The proton population during this time should remain below quench and damage limits at all times. A specific monitor has been designed to measure the particle population in this gap. It is based on the detection of Synchrotron radiation using a gated photomultiplier. Since the quench and damage limits change with the beam energy, the acceptable population in the abort gap and the settings of the monitor must be adapted accordingly. This paper presents the design of the monitor, the calibration procedure and the detector performance with beam. |
TUPEB003 | The SuperB Project Accelerator Status | 1518 |
The SuperB project is an international effort aiming at building in Italy a very high luminosity e+e- (1036 cm-2 sec-1) asymmetric collider at the B mesons cm energy. The accelerator design has been extensively studied and changed during the past year. The present design, - based on the new collision scheme, with large Piwinski angle and the use of 'crab' sextupoles, which has been successfully tested at the DAPHNE Phi-Factory at LNF Frascati, - provides larger flexibility, better dynamic aperture and in the Low Energy Ring spin manipulation sections, needed for having longitudinal polarization of the electron beam at the Interaction Point. The Interaction Region has been further optimized in terms of apertures and reduced backgrounds in the detector. The injector complex design has been also updated. A summary of the design status, including details on lattice and spin manipulation will be presented in this paper. |