Paper | Title | Page |
TUOAMH01 | First Cleaning with LHC Collimators | 1237 |
The LHC has two dedicated cleaning insertions: IR3 for momentum cleaning and IR7 for betatron cleaning. The collimation system has been specified and built with tight mechanical tolerances (e.g. jaw flatness ~ 40 μm) and is designed to achieve a high accuracy and reproducibility of the jaw positions. The practically achievable cleaning efficiency of the present Phase-I system depends on the precision of the jaw centering around the beam, the accuracy of the gap size and the jaw parallelism against the beam. The reproducibility and stability of the system is important to avoid the frequent repetition of beam based alignment which is currently a lengthy procedure. Within this paper we describe the method used for the beam based alignment of the LHC collimation system, its achieved accuracy and stability and its performance at 450GeV. |
THPEC046 | Performance and Operational Experience of the CNGS Facility | 4164 |
The CNGS facility (CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso) aims at directly detecting muon to tau neutrino oscillations. An intense muon-neutrino beam (1017 muon neutrinos/day) is generated at CERN and directed over 732km towards the Gran Sasso National Laboratory, LNGS, in Italy, where two large and complex detectors, OPERA and ICARUS, are located. CNGS is the first long-baseline neutrino facility in which the measurement of the oscillation parameters is performed by observation of the tau-neutrino appearance. The facility is approved for a physics program of five years with a total of 22.5·1019 protons on target. Having resolved successfully some initial issues that occurred since its commissioning in 2006, the facility had its first complete year of physics in 2008. By the end of the 2009 physics run the facility will have delivered in total more than 5·1019 protons on target corresponding to ~2-3 tau neutrino events in the OPERA detector. The experiences gained in operating this 500 kW neutrino beam facility along with highlights of the beam performance in 2008 and 2009 are discussed. |
MOPE058 | Measuring the Bunch Frequency Multiplication at CTF3 | 1107 |
The CTF3 facility is being built and commissioned by an international collaboration in order to test the feasibility of the proposed CLIC drive beam generation scheme. Central to this scheme is the use of RF deflectors to inject bunches into a Delay Loop and a Combiner Ring, in order to transform the initial bunch spacing of 1.5 GHz from the linac to a final bunch spacing of 12 GHz. The optimization procedure relies on several steps. The active length of each ring is carefully adjusted to within a few millimeters accuracy using a two‐period undulator. The transverse optics of the machine must be set-up in a way so as to ensure the beam isochronicity. Diagnostics based on optical streak cameras and RF power measurements have been designed to measure the longitudinal behaviour of the beam during the combination. This paper presents their performance and highlights recent measurements. |
WEPE019 | The CLIC Post-Collision Line | 3386 |
The 1.5TeV CLIC beams, with a total power of 14MW per beam, are disrupted at the interaction point due to the very strong beam-beam effect. As a result, some 3.5MW reach the main dump in form of beamstrahlung photons. About 0.5MW of e+e- pairs with a very broad energy spectrum need to be disposed along the post-collision line. The conceptual design of this beam line will be presented. Emphasis will be on the optimization studies of the CLIC post-collision line design with respect to the energy deposition in windows, dumps and scrapers, on the design of the luminosity monitoring for a fast feedback to the beam steering and on the background conditions for the luminosity monitoring equipment. |
WEPE020 | Background at the Interaction Point from the CLIC Post-Collision Line | 3389 |
The 1.5TeV CLIC beams, with a total power of 14MW per beam, are disrupted at the interaction point due to the very strong beam- beam effect. The resulting spent beam products are transported to suitable dumps by the post-IP beam line, which generates beam losses and causes the production of secondary cascades towards the interaction region. In this paper the electromagnetic background at the IP are presented, which were calculated using biased Monte Carlo techniques. Also, a first estimate is made of neutron back-shine from the main beam dump. |