Paper | Title | Page |
TUPEA008 | An Ultra-low Emittance Design for Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) Injector | 1342 |
One of the most important issues for ERL injectors is to generate electron beams with ultra-low emittance and to accelerate the beams through the injector without emittance growth. For this purpose, we have developed an efficient simulation code to investigate the mechanism of emittance growth due to space charge effect and to exploit its suppression method. In this code, the longitudinal motion is treated by the one-dimensional difference equations for macro-particles, while the radial motion is solved by the envelope equations for the pieces of sliced bunch. We find that the total emittance takes a minimum when all ellipses of sliced envelope have the same direction on the a-a' plane, where a is the amplitude of sliced envelope and a' its derivative along the longitudinal direction. The parameters of a 5 MeV injector were optimized by this code, assuming that the voltage of the DC electron gun is 330 kV and the initial particle distribution at the exit of the gun has a uniform ellipse. Even for such a low voltage gun, we obtained a minimum value of the rms normalized emittance, 0.10 mm, and the rms bunch length, 0.83 mm, the values of which were calculated by using PARMELA. |
TUPE091 | Recent Progress in the Energy Recovery Linac Project in Japan | 2338 |
Future synchrotron light source using a 5-GeV-class energy recovery linac (ERL) is under proposal by our Japanese collaboration team, and we are conducting active R&D efforts for that. We are developing super-brilliant DC photocathode guns, two types of cryomodules for both injector and main superconducting linacs, 1.3 GHz high CW-power rf sources, and other important components. We are also constructing a compact ERL for demonstrating the recirculation of low-emittance, high-current beams using those key components. We present our recent progress in this project. |
WEOAMH02 | Recent Progress of KEKB | 2372 |
KEKB is an e-/e+ collider for the study of B physics and is also used for machine studies for future machines. The peak luminosity of KEKB, which is the world-highest value, has been still increasing. This report summarizes recent progress at KEKB. |
THPD007 | The Linac Upgrade Plan for SuperKEKB | 4290 |
The next generation B-factory 'SuperKEKB' project whose target luminosity is 8 ×1035 cm-2s-1 is under consideration. A 'nano-beam scheme' is introduced to the SuperKEKB. In the scheme, an electron beam (Energy = 7 GeV, Charge = 3-4 nC/bunch, Vertical emittance =2.8 x 10-5 m) and a positron beam (Energy = 4 GeV, Charge = 4 nC/bunch, Vertical emittance = 1.6 x 10-5 m), are required at the end of injector linac. They are quite challenging targets for the present linac. In order to meet the requirements, we will introduce some new components to the linac. They are a photo-cathode RF gun for an electron beam, a positron capture section using new L-band cavities, a newly designed positron-generation target system and a damping ring for a positron beam. This presentation shows a strategy of our injector upgrade. |