Paper | Title | Page |
MOPEB001 | Multi-function Corrector Magnet | 274 |
Storage rings require corrector magnets for a variety of tasks. Foremost are small dipole magnets for both horizontal and vertical correction. In light sources, for example, other corrector magnets are needed to compensate for the effect of changing insertion device operation points. These can include quadrupole, skew quadrupole, sextupole and skew sextupole corrections. As well octupole magnets may be desirable to improve dynamic aperture in small emittance lattices. One magnet can perform all these tasks. This is achieved by having separate windings with separate power supplies on an octopole yoke. The simultaneous excitation of any combination of modes can be achieved through superposition. Corrections are necessarily limited to avoid saturation effects that will degrade the superposition. |
WEPEA007 | Production of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation at the Canadian Light Source | 2484 |
Preliminary observations of coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) at the Canadian Light Source have been reported earlier. At that time a more suitable operating point was identified based on particle tracking calculations. These calculations showed that a large stable longitudinal phase space can be achieved through adjustment of the chromaticities. With the implementation of these operating conditions CSR has been produced with much improved beam lifetime. CSR has been produced both with multiple bunches at 1.5 GeV and with a single bunch at the nominal 2.9 GeV beam energy. The production of CSR with these new operating points has proven to be reliable and repeatable. Operations at the nominal beam energy allows for setup times of under 20 minutes. With a beam lifetime (1/e) of over 7 hours single shifts dedicated to CSR production are now practical. |
WEPD004 | Modelling of Elliptically Polarizing Undulators | 3087 |
To investigate the effect of an elliptically polarized undulator (EPU) on the dynamic aperture of storage ring a model is required for use in an optics code. An EPU can be modelled as an array of skew dipole magnets. The skew angle ranges from zero to ninety degrees depending on the degree of polarization. Crudely the EPU can be modelled using alternating skew dipole blocks. A model that better reproduces the sinusoidally varying fields can be achieved by slicing blocks into smaller subsets. Field roll-off produced by the limited transverse dimensions of the magnet blocks can be included as skew multipoles. For example the roll-off of the horizontal field in the vertical undulator mode is very nearly a skew sextupole. The model has the advantage of correctly calculating the path length through the EPU which is important for tracking in six dimensions. |
WEPD005 | Insertion Device Development at the Canadian Lightsource | 3090 |
The Canadian Lightsource is a 2.9 GeV 3rd generation lightsource in Saskatoon, Canada. The latest expansion of operations includes adding 4 insertion devices in 2 straight sections. These devices will include a hybrid permanent magnet wiggler, an in-vacuum undulator and 2 APPLE-II type undulators. The 4 m long elliptical APPLE-II IDs will cover overlapping photon energy ranges of 15-200eV and 200-1000eV. These devices will be installed adjacent to one another in the same straight with the magnet arrays mounted on one support structure and a horizontal translation system to allow users to select one device at a time for use on a single beamline. The 2nd straight will include the hybrid wiggler and in-vacuum undulator in a 3 magnet chicane. The wiggler is designed to supply photons for a center beamline and a side beamline accepting radiation 5 mrad off of the centerline of the radiation fan. The critical energy of photons emitted of the sideline are >90% of the critical energy on the centerline. An 8 mrad center chicane magnet separates the photons of the undulator from the wiggler beamlines allowing for 3 beamlines operating with 2 IDs in a single straight section. |