Paper | Title | Page |
MOPE058 | Measuring the Bunch Frequency Multiplication at CTF3 | 1107 |
The CTF3 facility is being built and commissioned by an international collaboration in order to test the feasibility of the proposed CLIC drive beam generation scheme. Central to this scheme is the use of RF deflectors to inject bunches into a Delay Loop and a Combiner Ring, in order to transform the initial bunch spacing of 1.5 GHz from the linac to a final bunch spacing of 12 GHz. The optimization procedure relies on several steps. The active length of each ring is carefully adjusted to within a few millimeters accuracy using a two‐period undulator. The transverse optics of the machine must be set-up in a way so as to ensure the beam isochronicity. Diagnostics based on optical streak cameras and RF power measurements have been designed to measure the longitudinal behaviour of the beam during the combination. This paper presents their performance and highlights recent measurements. |
MOPE071 | Coherent Diffraction Radiation Longitudinal Beam Profile Monitor for CTF3 | 1143 |
A setup for the investigation of Coherent Diffraction Radiation (CDR) from a conducting screen as a tool for non-invasive longitudinal electron beam profile diagnostics has been designed and installed in the Combiner Ring Measurement (CRM) line of the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3, CERN). In this report the status of the monitor development and results on the interferometric measurements of CDR spectra are presented. The CDR signal correlation with an RF pickup and a streak camera is reported. The future plans for the system improvements are also discussed. |
TUPEA043 | Phase Modulator Programming to Get Flat Pulses with Desired Length and Power from the CTF3 Pulse Compressors | 1425 |
The pulse compressor is located after the klystron to increase the power peak by storing the energy at the beginning and releasing it near the end of klystron output pulse. In the CTF3 [1] pulse compressors a doubling of the peak power is achieved according to our needs and the machine parameters. The magnitude of peak power, pulse length and flatness can be controlled by using a phase modulator for the input signal of klystrons. A C++ code is written to simulate the pulse compressor behaviour according to the klystron output pulse power. By manually changing the related parameters in the code for the best match, the quality factor and the filling time of pulse compressor cavities can be determined. This code also calculates and sends the suitable phase to the phase modulator according to the klystron output pulse power and the desired pulse length and peak power. |
WEPE022 | CLIC Energy Scans | 3395 |
The physics experiments at CLIC will require that the machine scans lower than nominal centre-of-mass energy. We present different options to achieve this and discuss the implications for luminosity and the machine design. |
WEPE027 | Progress towards the CLIC Feasibility Demonstration in CTF3 | 3410 |
The objective of the CLIC Test Facility CTF3 is to demonstrate the key feasibility issues of the CLIC two-beam technology: the efficient generation of a very high current drive beam and its stable deceleration in 12 GHz resonant structures, to produce high-power RF pulses and accelerate the main beam with an accelerating gradient of 100 MV/m. The construction and commissioning of CTF3 has taken place in stages from 2003. Many milestones had already been reached, including the first demonstration at the end of 2009 of a factor 2 x 4 re-combination of the initial drive beam pulse, thus reaching a beam current of 25 A. In this paper we summarise the commissioning highlights and the issues already validated at the earlier stages. We then show and discuss the latest results obtained, in view of the completion of the CLIC feasibility demonstration due for the end of 2010. |
WEPE089 | Design Optimisation for the CLIC Damping Rings | 3554 |
The CLIC damping rings should produce the ultra-low emittance necessary for the high luminosity performance of the collider. This combined to the high bunch charge present a number of beam dynamics and technical challenges for the rings. Lattice studies have been focused on low emittance cells with optics that reduce the effect Intra-beam scattering. The final beam emittance is reached with the help of super-conducting damping wigglers. Results from recent simulations and prototype measurements are presented, including a detailed absorption scheme design. Collective effects such as electron cloud and fast ion instability can severely limit the performance and mitigation techniques have been identified and tested. Tolerances for alignment and technical system design such as kickers, RF cavities, magnets and vacuum have been finally established. |