Paper | Title | Page |
TUPEB039 | Designs for a Linac-Ring LHeC | 1611 |
We consider three different scenarios for the recirculating electron linear accelerator (RLA) of a linac-ring type electron-proton collider based on the LHC (LHeC): i) a basic version consisting of a 60 GeV pulsed, 1.5 km long linac, ii) a higher luminosity configuration with a 60 GeV 4 km long cw energy-recovery linac (ERL), and iii) a high energy option using a 140 GeV pulsed linac of 4 km active length. This paper describes the footprint, optics of linac and return arcs, emittance growth from chromaticity and synchrotron radiation, a set of parameters, and the performance reach for the three scenarios. |