Paper | Title | Page |
TUPEC071 | Generic Model Host System Design | 1883 |
There are many simulation codes for accelerator modeling. Each one has some strength but not all. Collaboration is formed for the effort of providing a platform to host multiple modeling tools. In order to achieve such a platform, a set of common physics data structure has to be set. Application Programming Interface (API) for physics applications should also be defined within a model data provider. A preliminary platform design and prototype will be presented. |
TUPEC072 | Service Oriented Architecture for High Level Applications | 1886 |
High level applications often suffer from poor performance and reliability due to lengthy initialization, heavy computation and rapid graphical update. Service oriented architecture (SOA) is trying to separate the initialization and computation from applications to distributed service providers. Heavy computation such as beam tracking will be done periodically on a dedicated server and data will be available to client applications at all time. Industrial standard service architecture can help to improve the reliability and maintainability of the service providers. Robustness will also be improved by reducing the complexity of individual client applications. |
WEPEB024 | Design of Accelerator Online Simulator Server using Structured Data | 2737 |
A modular environment for beam commissioning and operation is under development, which is based on the client/server model. The service oriented architecture consists of a server for each supported service. At NSLS-II, a so-called "virtual accelerator" has been developed, which wraps simulator engines such as Tracy and Elegant onto an EPICS system. However, with the current solution, access to data is not flexible. We are designing a new online simulator server using structured data to provide a flexible method for accessing the simulation data. This paper describes recent results of the simulator server development. |
WEPD057 | Linac Energy Management for LCLS | 3224 |
Linac Energy Management (LEM) is a control system program which calculates, and optionally implements, magnet setpoint settings (BDESs) following a change in Energy (such as a change in the number, phase, and amplitude of active klystrons). The change is made relative to those magnets' existing BDES setpoints by a factor encoding the change in energy. LEM is necessary because changes in the number, phase, and amplitude of the active klystrons (the so-called "Klystron complement") change the beam's rigidity, and therefore, to maintain constant optics, one has to change focusing gradients and bend fields. This paper describes the basic process and some of the implementation lessons learned for LEM at the LCLS. |