Paper | Title | Page |
MOPEC015 | Single-pass Beam Measurements for the Verification of the LHC Magnetic Model | 489 |
During the 2009 LHC injection tests, the polarities and effects of specific quadrupole and higher-order magnetic circuits were investigated. A set of magnet circuits had been selected for detailed investigation based on a number of criteria. On or off-momentum difference trajectories launched via appropriate orbit correctors for varying strength settings of the magnet circuits under study - e.g. main, trim and skew quadrupoles; sextupole families and spool piece correctors; skew sextupoles, octupoles - were compared with predictions from various optics models. These comparisons allowed confirming or updating the relative polarity conventions used in the optics model and the accelerator control system, as well as verifying the correct powering and assignment of magnet families. Results from measurements in several LHC sectors are presented. |
MOPEC024 | RHIC BBLR Measurements in 2009 | 510 |
Long range beam-beam experiments were conducted during the Run 2009 in the yellow and the blue beams of the RHIC accelerator with DC wires. The effects of a long-range interaction with a DC wire on colliding and non-colliding bunches with the aid of orbits, tunes, and losses were studied. Results from distance and currents scans and an attempt to compensate a long-range interaction with a DC wire is presented. |
MOPEC037 | High Beta Operation Scenarios for Crab Cavities in the Insertion Region 4 of the CERN Large Hadron Collider | 540 |
IR4 is a potential candidate for the installation of crab cavities in the CERN Large Hadron Collider. In this paper we present several operational scenarios in which the effect of the kick imparted by the cavity is enhanced by performing a dynamic unsqueeze of the beta function at collision energy. Linear optics, power supply requirements, beam aperture and finally potential luminosity increase studies will be discussed in order to rank and assess the feasibility of the various options. |
MOPD053 | Conceptual Design of the ESS LINAC | 804 |
A three year design update for the European Spallation Source (ESS) linac is just starting and a full review of this work will be presented. The acceleration in the medium energy part of the LINAC using the spoke cavities have been optimized and the rest of the machine has been redesigned to incorporate this optimization. The ESS LINAC will deliver an average power of 5~MW to the target in the nominal design and the possibility to upgrade to 7.5~MW has been included in all the design steps. Acknowledgments to all the people in the ESS LINAC Reference Group. |
TUXMH02 | LHC Optics Model Measurements and Corrections | 1232 |
Optics stability during all phases of operation is crucial for the LHC. The optical properties of the machine have been optimized based on a detailed magnetic model of the SC magnets and on their sorting. Tools and procedures have been developed for rapid checks of beta beating, dispersion, and linear coupling, as well as for prompt optics correction. Initial optics errors, correction performance and optics stability from the first LHC run will be reported, and compared with expectations. Possible implications for the collimation cleaning efficiency and LHC machine protection will be discussed. |
TUOAMH02 | LHC Crab-cavity Aspects and Strategy | 1240 |
The 3rd LHC Crab Cavity workshop (LHC-CC09) took place at CERN in October 2009. It reviewed the current status and identified a clear strategy towards a future crab-cavity implementation. Following the success of crab cavities in KEK-B and the strong potential for luminosity gain and leveling, CERN will pursue crab crossing for the LHC upgrade. We present the summaries of the various workshop sessions which have led to the LHC crab-cavity strategy, covering topics like layout, cryomodule design, construction, integration, validation, and planning. |
TUPEB039 | Designs for a Linac-Ring LHeC | 1611 |
We consider three different scenarios for the recirculating electron linear accelerator (RLA) of a linac-ring type electron-proton collider based on the LHC (LHeC): i) a basic version consisting of a 60 GeV pulsed, 1.5 km long linac, ii) a higher luminosity configuration with a 60 GeV 4 km long cw energy-recovery linac (ERL), and iii) a high energy option using a 140 GeV pulsed linac of 4 km active length. This paper describes the footprint, optics of linac and return arcs, emittance growth from chromaticity and synchrotron radiation, a set of parameters, and the performance reach for the three scenarios. |
WEOBRA03 | Beam Break-up Estimates for the ERL at BNL | 2441 |
A prototype ampere-class superconducting energy recovery linac (ERL) is under advanced construction at BNL. The ERL facility is comprised of a five-cell SC Linac plus a half-cell SC photo-injector RF electron gun, both operating at 703.75 MHz. The facility is designed for either a high-current mode of operation up to 0.5 A at 703.75 MHz or a high-bunch-charge mode of 5 nC at 10 MHz bunch frequency. The R&D facility serves a test bed for an envisioned electron-hadron collider, eRHIC. The high-current, high-charge operating parameters make effective higher-order-mode (HOM) damping mandatory, and requires to determination of HOM tolerances for a cavity upgrade. The niobium cavity has been tested at superconducting temperatures and has provided measured dipole shunt impedances for the estimate of a beam breakup instability. The facility will be assembled with a highly flexible lattice covering a vast operational parameter space for verification of the estimates and to serve as a test bed for the concepts directed at future projects. |
WEPEC055 | Simulations of Proposed Accelerating Cavities for the CERN SPL | 3016 |
The Superconducting Proton Linac (SPL) is part of the proposed upgrade of the LHC injection chain, intended to significantly improve the characteristics of the beam circulating in the collider. SPL will rely on two classes of superconducting cavities; beta=0.65 and beta=1; each containing 5-cells resonant at 704 MHz. Presented here are the results of some initial simulations of the beta=1 design, performed at the NERSC supercomputing facility with the highly-parallelised ACE3P codes released by the Advanced Computations Department at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The HOM spectrum in the baseline design has been calculated, and dangerous modes identified by their high R/Q value. In addition, perturbations due to the location of the various couplers, and the structure of the beampipes have been investigated, and are presented here. |
THPE024 | Coupling and Vertical Dispersion Correction in the SPS | 4566 |
Consolidation of the coupling correction scheme in the LHC is motivated due to a missing skew quadrupole family in Sector 3-4 at the start-up in 2009. Simultaneous coupling and vertical dispersion correction using vertical orbit bumps at the sextupoles, was studied by analyzing turn-by-turn data. This scheme was tested in SPS where the optical structure of arc cells is quite similar to the LHC. In SPS, horizontal and vertical beam positions are measured separately with single plane BPMs, thus a technique to construct "pseudo double plane BPM" is also discussed. |
THPE025 | Coupling and Vertical Dispersion Correction studies for the LHC using Skew Quadrupoles and Vertical Orbit Bumps | 4569 |
After the incident in the LHC in 2008, few skew quadrupoles were damaged and subsequently removed from the tunnel. This could limit the correction of local coupling in the LHC. In order to increase the flexibility in the coupling correction it has been proposed to use of vertical orbit bumps at the sextupoles is studied. Moreover a simultaneous coupling and vertical dispersion can be implemented. Various studies are presented addressing the optimal approach for the correction of the vertical dispersion and the sum and difference coupling resonances. |
THPE026 | Software Package for Optics Measurement and Correction in the LHC | 4572 |
A software package has been developed for the LHC on-line optics measurement and correction. This package includes several different algorithms to measure phase advance, beta functions, dispersion, coupling parameters and even some non-linear terms. A Graphical User Interface provides visualization tools to compare measurements to model predictions, fit analytical formula, localize error sources and compute and send corrections to the hardware. |
THPE053 | Linear and Chromatic Optics Measurements at RHIC | 4638 |
Measurements of chromatic beta-beating were carried out for the first time in the RHIC accelerator during Run 2009. The analysis package developed for the LHC was used to extract the off-momentum optics for injection and top energy. Results from the beam experiments and comparison to the optics model are presented. |