Paper | Title | Page |
WEOAMH02 | Recent Progress of KEKB | 2372 |
KEKB is an e-/e+ collider for the study of B physics and is also used for machine studies for future machines. The peak luminosity of KEKB, which is the world-highest value, has been still increasing. This report summarizes recent progress at KEKB. |
TUPD078 | Comparison of Simulation Codes for Microwave Instability in Bunched Beams | 2096 |
In accelerator design, there is often a need to evaluate the threshold to the (longitudinal) microwave instability for a bunched beam in a storage ring. Several computational tools are available that allow us, once given a wakefield, to numerically find the threshold current and to simulate the development of the instability. In this work, we present the results of computer simulations with codes recently developed at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Our simulations include the cases of the resonator broadband impedance, the resistive wall impedance and the coherent synchrotron radiation impedance. We compare the accuracy of the threshold prediction and discuss the capabilities and limitations of the codes. |
WEPEA073 | Lattice Development for PEP-X High Brightness Light Source | 2654 |
Design of PEP-X high brightness light source machine is under development at SLAC. The PEP-X is a proposed replacement of the PEP-II in the existing 2.2 km tunnel. Two of the PEP-X six arcs contain DBA type lattice providing 30 dispersion free straights suitable for 3.5 m long undulators. The lattice contains TME cells in the other four arcs and a 90 m wiggler in a long straight section yielding an ultra low horizontal emittance of ~0.1 nm-rad at 4.5 GeV for a high brightness. The recent lattice modifications further increase the predicted brightness and improve beam dynamic properties. The standard DBA cells are modified into supercells for providing low beta undulator straights. The DBA and TME lattice parameters are better optimized. Harmonic sextupoles are added into the DBA arcs to minimize the sextupole driven resonance effects and amplitude dependent tune shift. Finally, the injection scheme is changed from vertical to horizontal plane in order to avoid large vertical amplitudes of injected beam within small vertical aperture of undulators. |
WEPEA074 | A Baseline Design for PEP-X: an Ultra-low Emittance Storage Ring | 2657 |
Over the past year, we have worked out a baseline design for PEP-X, as an ultra-low emittance storage ring that could reside in the existing 2.2-km PEP-II tunnel. The design features a hybrid lattice with double bend achromat cells in two arcs and theoretical minimum emittance cells in the remaining four arcs. Damping wigglers reduce the horizontal emittance to 86 pm-rad at zero current for a 4.5 GeV electron beam. At a design current of 1.5 A, the horizontal emittance increases, due to intra-beam scattering, to 164 pm-rad when the vertical emittance is maintained at a diffraction limited 8 pm-rad. The baseline design will produce photon beams achieving a brightness of 1022 (ph/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1% BW) at 10 keV in a 3.5-m conventional planar undulator. Our study shows that an optimized lattice has adequate dynamic aperture, while accommodating a conventional off-axis injection system. In this paper, we will present the study of the lattice properties, nonlinear dynamics, intra-beam scattering and Touschek lifetime, and collective instabilities. Finally, we discuss the possibility of partial lasing at soft X-ray wavelengths using a long undulator in a straight section. |
TUPEB003 | The SuperB Project Accelerator Status | 1518 |
The SuperB project is an international effort aiming at building in Italy a very high luminosity e+e- (1036 cm-2 sec-1) asymmetric collider at the B mesons cm energy. The accelerator design has been extensively studied and changed during the past year. The present design, - based on the new collision scheme, with large Piwinski angle and the use of 'crab' sextupoles, which has been successfully tested at the DAPHNE Phi-Factory at LNF Frascati, - provides larger flexibility, better dynamic aperture and in the Low Energy Ring spin manipulation sections, needed for having longitudinal polarization of the electron beam at the Interaction Point. The Interaction Region has been further optimized in terms of apertures and reduced backgrounds in the detector. The injector complex design has been also updated. A summary of the design status, including details on lattice and spin manipulation will be presented in this paper. |
WEPE037 | Optimization of Dynamic Aperture of PEP-X Baseline Design | 3437 |
SLAC is developing a long-range plan to transfer the evolving scientific programs at SSRL from the SPEAR3 light source to a much higher performing photon source that would be housed in the 2.2-km PEP-II tunnel*,**. The proposed PEP-X storage ring is one of the possibilities. The goal of the PEP-X design is to develop an optimal light source design with horizontal emittance less than 100 pm at 4.5 GeV and vertical emittance of 8 pm corresponding to the diffraction limit of 1-Å X-ray. The low emittance design requires a lattice with strong focusing leading to high natural chromaticity and therefore to strong sextupoles. The latter cause reduction of dynamic aperture. The horizontal dynamic aperture required at PEP-X injection point is about 10 mm. In order to achieve the desired dynamic aperture, transverse non-linearities of PEP-X are studied. The program LEGO*** is used for particle tracking simulations. The technique of frequency map is used to analyze the nonlinear behavior. The effects of the non-linearities are tried to minimize. The details and results of dynamic aperture optimization are discussed in this paper. *,** R. Hettel et al., 'IDEAS FOR A FUTURE PEP-X LIGHT SOURCE', EPAC08, 'CONCEPTS FOR THE PEP-X LIGHT SOURCE', PAC09. |