Paper | Title | Page |
THPEC048 | Charge Breeding Test Experiment with a Hollow Gun EBIS | 4167 |
The charge breeding technique is used for Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) production in the Isotope Separation On Line (ISOL) method in order of optimizing the re-acceleration of the radioactive element ions produced by a primary beam in a thick target. That technique is realized by using a device capable of increase the radioactive ion charge state from +1 to a desired value +n. In some experiments a continuous RIB of a certain energy could be required. The EBIS based charge breeding device cannot reach a real CW operation because the high charge state ions produced are extracted by the same part where the 1+ ions are injected, that is, from the electron collector. In this way, the ions extraction system, placed in the electron beam collector, can be left only to extract the n+ ions, and then the CW operation, at least in principle, could be reached. In this paper, a charge breeding test experiment based on a EBIS which has an e-gun with hollow cathode will be described. Furthermore, the status report of the experiment that is under way at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL) will be presented. |