Paper | Title | Page |
TUPEC035 | Design of the Recirculating Linac Option for the UK New Light Source | 1799 |
We present progress in the design of the recirculating linac option for the UK New Light Source. Improvements in all accelerator sections have been made such that the output meets the required specifications to drive the seeded NLS FELs. Full start-to-end simulations and tolerance studies are presented together with a comparison to the baseline, single pass linac design. |
TUPEC036 | Design of Post Linac Beam Transport for the UK New Light Source Project | 1802 |
The design of free electron laser (FEL) driver needs careful beam transport design to pass very short bunches through the switchyard/spreader to switch the beam to different FEL lines. The spreader design which allows flexibility in operation has been adapted following the LBNL design*. In order to measure the slice properties of the bunches two beam diagnostics lines are proposed, a straight one for beam commissioning purposes and a branch of the spreader similar to the FEL lines to measure the adverse effects that may arise due to passing the short bunches through the kicker and septum magnets. As a part of machine protection, post linac collimation system collimates the halo particles in transverse and energy planes. The design of the collimation, beam spreader and beam diagnostics lines is discussed. * Zholents A.A. et al, CBP Tech Note 401, 2009 |
WEPE030 | The CLIC BDS Towards the Conceptual Design Report | 3419 |
The CLIC Conceptual Design Report must be ready by 2010. This paper aims at addressing all the critical points of the CLIC BDS to be later implemented in the CDR. This includes risk evaluation and possible solutions to a number of selected points. The smooth and practical transition between the 500 GeV CLIC and the design energy of 3 TeV is also studied. |
TUPEC036 | Design of Post Linac Beam Transport for the UK New Light Source Project | 1802 |
The design of free electron laser (FEL) driver needs careful beam transport design to pass very short bunches through the switchyard/spreader to switch the beam to different FEL lines. The spreader design which allows flexibility in operation has been adapted following the LBNL design*. In order to measure the slice properties of the bunches two beam diagnostics lines are proposed, a straight one for beam commissioning purposes and a branch of the spreader similar to the FEL lines to measure the adverse effects that may arise due to passing the short bunches through the kicker and septum magnets. As a part of machine protection, post linac collimation system collimates the halo particles in transverse and energy planes. The design of the collimation, beam spreader and beam diagnostics lines is discussed. * Zholents A.A. et al, CBP Tech Note 401, 2009 |
TUPEC037 | Beam Dump and Collimation Design Studies for NLS: Thermal and Structural Behaviour | 1805 |
The proposed UK New Light Source project will need beam dump to absorb a bunch charge of 200 pC with the repetition rates starting from 1 KHz initially up to 1 MHz in the upgrade. We are exploring an option of a solid dump with a graphite core to absorb the beam power up to 450 kW for the upgrade option as this is the most challenging design. Since the beam dump design will also affect the building layout the choice of its design should be made at an early stage. Based on the feasibility studies of a solid dump, a decision not to go for more complex water dump can be taken. The post linac collimation section should protect the undulators from irradiation due to beam halo particles. This paper shows results and conclusions from simulations of the impact of the NLS beam on different solid beam dump solutions and the effect of the beam halo on the collimators. |
WEPEA065 | Beam Dynamics for the NLS Superconducting Linac | 2633 |
We present the progress with the design of the 2.25 GeV superconducting linac for the NLS project. We discuss the performance achieved, the optimisation strategies, the relevance of microbunching instability and the analysis of the effect of various jitter sources |
WEPEB046 | Optimization of the CLIC Baseline Collimation System | 2794 |
Important efforts have recently been dedicated to the improvement of the design of the baseline collimation system of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). Different aspects of the design have been optimized: the transverse collimation depths have been recalculated in order to reduce the collimator wakefield effects while maintaining a good efficiency in cleaning the undesired beam halo; the geometric design of the spoilers have also been reviewed to minimize wakefields; in addition, the optics design have been polished to improve the collimation efficiency. This paper describes the current status of the CLIC collimation system after this optimization. |
WEPE031 | Beam Delivery System Dogleg Design and Integration for the International Linear Collider | 3422 |
It is proposed to investigate the option of moving the positron source to the end of the main linac as a part of the central integration in the International Linear Collider project. The positron source incorporates an undulator at the end of the main linac and the photons generated in the undulator are transported to the target, located at a distance of around 400m. The dogleg design has been optimised to provide the required transverse off-set at the location of the target and to give minimum emittance growth at 500 GeV. The design of the dogleg and the tolerances on beam tuning as a result of locating this dogleg in the beginning of the beam delivery system are presented. |