Paper | Title | Page |
THPEB030 | Stripping Foil Issues for H- Injection into the CERN PSB at 160 MeV | 3951 |
Beam physics considerations for the stripping foil of the 160 MeV PSB H- injection system are described, including the arguments for the foil type, thickness, geometry and positioning. The foil performance considerations are described, including expected stripping efficiency, emittance growth, energy straggling, temperature and lifetime. The different beam loss mechanisms are quantified in the context of the aperture limits, operational considerations and collimation requirements. |
THPE024 | Coupling and Vertical Dispersion Correction in the SPS | 4566 |
Consolidation of the coupling correction scheme in the LHC is motivated due to a missing skew quadrupole family in Sector 3-4 at the start-up in 2009. Simultaneous coupling and vertical dispersion correction using vertical orbit bumps at the sextupoles, was studied by analyzing turn-by-turn data. This scheme was tested in SPS where the optical structure of arc cells is quite similar to the LHC. In SPS, horizontal and vertical beam positions are measured separately with single plane BPMs, thus a technique to construct "pseudo double plane BPM" is also discussed. |
THPE025 | Coupling and Vertical Dispersion Correction studies for the LHC using Skew Quadrupoles and Vertical Orbit Bumps | 4569 |
After the incident in the LHC in 2008, few skew quadrupoles were damaged and subsequently removed from the tunnel. This could limit the correction of local coupling in the LHC. In order to increase the flexibility in the coupling correction it has been proposed to use of vertical orbit bumps at the sextupoles is studied. Moreover a simultaneous coupling and vertical dispersion can be implemented. Various studies are presented addressing the optimal approach for the correction of the vertical dispersion and the sum and difference coupling resonances. |
THPE026 | Software Package for Optics Measurement and Correction in the LHC | 4572 |
A software package has been developed for the LHC on-line optics measurement and correction. This package includes several different algorithms to measure phase advance, beta functions, dispersion, coupling parameters and even some non-linear terms. A Graphical User Interface provides visualization tools to compare measurements to model predictions, fit analytical formula, localize error sources and compute and send corrections to the hardware. |
TUXMH02 | LHC Optics Model Measurements and Corrections | 1232 |
Optics stability during all phases of operation is crucial for the LHC. The optical properties of the machine have been optimized based on a detailed magnetic model of the SC magnets and on their sorting. Tools and procedures have been developed for rapid checks of beta beating, dispersion, and linear coupling, as well as for prompt optics correction. Initial optics errors, correction performance and optics stability from the first LHC run will be reported, and compared with expectations. Possible implications for the collimation cleaning efficiency and LHC machine protection will be discussed. |
TUPD013 | Assessment of CERN PSB Performance with Linac4 by Simulations of Beams with Strong Direct Space Charge Effects | 1949 |
The performance of the CERN PS Booster (PSB) synchrotron is believed to be limited mainly by direct space charge effects at low energy. The main motivation to construct Linac4 is to raise the PSB injection energy to mitigate direct space charge effects. At present, simulation of the injection and the ow energy part of the cycle aim at defining Investigations on the influence of parameters of the injected beam on the performance of the PSB are described. |
WEPE091 | The Swiss Light Source a "Test-bed" for Damping Ring Optimization | 3560 |
The application of various optics correction techniques at the SLS allows to reduce the vertical emittance to <3 pm.rad corresponding to an emittance coupling of <0.05 %. Beam sizes can be measured with a resolution of ~0.5 um allowing to resolve vertical beam sizes close to the quantum radiation limit of 0.55 pm.rad. The application of beam-based alignment/ calibration techniques on magnet girders (remotely controlled), quadrupoles and sextupoles can be used to center the beam in all relevant optical elements at a minimum expense of vertical dipole corrector strength. Furthermore a fast orbit feedback based on a high resolution digital BPM system allows to stabilize the closed orbit up to ~90 Hz and to perform precise orbit manipulations within this bandwidth. Furthermore the top-up operation mode guarantees very stable conditions for the various beam-based measurements. These conditions make the SLS an excellent "test-bed" for future damping ring optimization. |
THPE053 | Linear and Chromatic Optics Measurements at RHIC | 4638 |
Measurements of chromatic beta-beating were carried out for the first time in the RHIC accelerator during Run 2009. The analysis package developed for the LHC was used to extract the off-momentum optics for injection and top energy. Results from the beam experiments and comparison to the optics model are presented. |