Paper | Title | Page |
TUYRA03 | Production of a 1.3 MW Proton Beam at PSI | 1309 |
With an average beam power of 1.3MW the PSI proton accelerator facility is presently at the worldwide forefront of high intensity accelerators. This talk describes critical aspects and recent improvements related to generation and transport of the high intensity beam in a cyclotron based facility. The installation of new accelerating resonators in the second of two cyclotrons led to a significant improvement in view of beam intensity but also the reliability of the facility. Besides the overall performance and further upgrade plans the discussed topics include: space charge dominated beam dynamics, beam loss handling, activation and specialized technical interlock systems. |
TUPEC055 | Computation of Electromagnetic Modes in the Transverse Deflecting Cavity | 1847 |
The X-ray Free Electron Laser (SwissFEL) under development at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) will employ a special type of a deflecting cavity, LOLA*, for beam diagnostics. Since this cavity's design breaks the symmetry, a complete 3-dimensional eigenmodal analysis is indispensable. The 3-dimensional eigenmodal solver femaxx employs the finite element method and has been developed in a collaboration between PSI and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH). The femaxx code uses the graphical frontend program heronion for the application of boundary conditions, including symmetry, and generates a tetrahedral mesh. We use femaxx to analyze the existing LOLA cavity design**, compute electromagnetic eigenmodes with their corresponding eigenfrequencies, and associated performance figures. Since these are large computational problems femaxx has been optimized for distributed memory parallel compute clusters. For the further usage in the beam dynamics code OPAL we sample the eigenmodal fields on a 3-dimensional Cartesian grid. * A. Falone, et al: RF deflector for bunch length measurement at low energy at PSI. Proceedings of PAC2009. |