- W.J. Goscinski
Monash University, Faculty of Science, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
- K. Bambery, C.J. Hall, A. Maksimenko, S. Panjikar, D. Paterson, C.G. Ryan, M. Tobin
ASCo, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
- C.U. Felzmann
SLSA, Clayton, Australia
- C. Hines, P. McIntosh
Monash University, Clayton, Australia
- D.A. Thompson
CSIRO ATNF, Epping, Australia
MASSIVE is the Australian specialised High Performance Computing facility for imaging and visualisation. The project is a collaboration between Monash University, Australian Synchrotron and CSIRO. MASSIVE underpins a range of advanced instruments, with a particular focus on Australian Synchrotron beamlines. This paper will report on the outcomes of the MASSIVE project since 2011, in particular focusing on instrument integration, and interactive access. MASSIVE has developed a unique capability that supports an increasing number of researchers generating and processing instrument data. The facility runs an instrument integration program to help facilities move data to an HPC environment and provide in-experiment data processing. This capability is best demonstrated at the Imaging and Medical Beamline where fast CT reconstruction and visualisation is now essential to performing effective experiments. The MASSIVE Desktop provides an easy method for researchers to begin using HPC, and is now an essential tool for scientists working with large datasets, including large images and other types of instrument data.