Paper | Title | Page |
MOPGF105 | Device Control Database Tool (DCDB) | 326 |
Funding: This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 289485. We have developed a control system configuration tool, which provides an easy-to-use interface for quick configuration of the entire facility. It uses Microsoft Excel as the front-end application and allows the user to quickly generate and deploy IOC configuration (EPICS start-up scripts, alarms and archive configuration) onto IOCs; start, stop and restart IOCs, alarm servers and archive engines, and more. The DCDB tool utilizes a relational database, which stores information about all the elements of the accelerator. The communication between the client, database and IOCs is realized by a REST server written in Python. The key feature of the DCDB tool is that the user does not need to recompile the source code. It is achieved by using a dynamic library loader, which automatically loads and links device support libraries. The DCDB tool is compliant with CODAC (used at ITER and ELI-NP), but can also be used in any other EPICS environment (e.g. it has been customized to work at ESS). |
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Poster MOPGF105 [2.749 MB] | |
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WEPGF145 | A Structured Approach to Control System GUI Design for the Solaris Light Source | 1044 |
In the framework of delivering control system services to the Solaris synchrotron light source, Kraków, Poland, Cosylab realized a comprehensive set of controls GUIs, using a structured approach. The goals of using this architecture are threefold. The first is to achieve reliable, predictable and consistent behaviour of the controls software. The second is that it is easy to deploy and maintain through scripting. The third is that it is future-proof by providing extensibility, using dedicated templates. The system is based on a configuration database, populated with devices, device specifics and device groups (clusters of devices performing specific operations). The GUIs are dynamically generated from this configuration. For the synoptic views, TANGO-standard JDraw and its configuration are integrated into the framework. Existing GUIs, written in PyTango can be easily adapted to function as part of this system. The compelling user benefits are high usability and life-time management through controlled upgrade and extension. For new big physics projects this GUI control program offers a customizable solution for any TANGO based control system. | ||
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Poster WEPGF145 [4.620 MB] | |
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WEPGF146 | GUI Style Guide for Control System Applications at ESS | 1047 |
To help developers create consistent-looking control system application GUIs, the European Spallation Source Integrated Control Systems group asked Cosylab to develop a Style Guide document. Its purpose is to avoid that GUIs needlessly diverge and make the end-result of all screens combined look harmonious, even if GUIs have been developed over several years by many contributors. Also it will speed up development, by letting developers start from design patterns, rather than starting "from a blank page". The document defines a set of basic panel sizes, containing a 960px-style grid for consistent organization of content. It also defines color scheme and font usage, in-line with the overall ESS corporate communications manual, with the addition of signal colors. In addition it shows example screens to serve as GUI design patterns for typical screen types such as engineering screens, control applications and synoptic screens. It concludes by setting rules and recommendations for the usage of automation symbols and display of engineering and physical units. The document is further complemented by a separate document with Usability Guidelines for Human-Machine interfaces. | ||
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Poster WEPGF146 [1.866 MB] | |
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