Paper | Title | Page |
MOB3O03 | MAX IV Laboratory, Milestones and Lessons Learned | 9 |
The MAX IV Laboratory is a new scientific research facility based on synchrotron light being built at Lund University, southern Sweden. The accelerator consists of one full energy linear accelerator providing two storage rings at 1.5 GeV & 3 GeV and a Short Pulse Facility. Additionally more than 13 beamlines are planned to be built among which should be operational for the first users in 2016. The current status and approach of the control system is presented from its technical and organisational point of view, including the stakeholders, as well as the lessons learned from the commissioning as part of our continuous improvement for the future. | ||
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Slides MOB3O03 [19.082 MB] | |
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MOPGF179 | Status of the Solaris Control System - Collaborations and Technology | 510 |
Funding: Work supported by the European Regional Development Fund within the frame of the Innovative Economy Operational Program: POIG.02.01.00-12-213/09. The Solaris is a synchrotron light source starting just now in Kraków, Poland. It is built with strong collaboration with other European accelerator facilities. The MAX-IV project in Lund, Sweden and Tango Community are the most important partners in the project. Solaris has built a twin copy of MAX-IV 1.5GeV ring and linear accelerator based on the same components as the ones of MAX-IV. Thus, both facilities share know-how and apply similar technologies for the control system, among them the Tango CS is used for software layer. Status of the control system in Kraków as well as collaborations and technological choices impact on its success will be presented. |
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Poster MOPGF179 [2.497 MB] | |
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