Paper | Title | Page |
WEPGF095 | Application of PyCDB for K-500 Beam Transfer Line | 923 |
Funding: This work has been supported by Russian Science Foundation (project N 14-50-00080). The new injection complex for VEPP-4 and VEPP-2000 e-p colliders is under construction at Budker Institute, Novosibirsk, Russia. The double-direction bipolar transfer line K-500 of 130 and 220 meters length respectively will provide the beam transportation from the injection complex to the colliders with a frequency of 1 Hz. The designed number of particles in the transferred beam is 2*1010 of electrons or positrons, the energy is 500 MeV. K-500 has dozens of types of magnets, power supplies and electronic devices. It is rather complicated task to store and manage information about such a number of types and instances of entities, especially to handle relations between them. This knowledge is critical for configuration of all aspects of control system. Therefore we have chosen PyCDB to handle this information and automate configuration data extraction for different purposes starting with reports and diagrams and ending with high-level applications and EPICS IOCs' configuration. This paper considers concepts of this approach and shows the PyCDB database sctructure designed for K-500 transfer line. An automatic configuration of IOCs is described as integration with EPICS. |
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