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WEPGF080 |
Encoder Interface for NSLS-II Beam Line Motion Scanning Applications |
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- R.A. Kadyrov, J.H. De Long, K. Ha, S. So, E. Stavitski
BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
The variety of motion control applications on existing and future NSLS-II beam lines demand custom control electronics developed to meet specific needs and ease integration to existing systems. Thus an encoder interface was designed for a number of detection techniques that require fly-scan applications. This design fits in a 2U chassis and can handle up to 4 incremental quadrature encoders with a digital RS-422A interface and output frequencies up to 10 MHz. The logic, based on Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA, processes signals from an encoder, associates it with accelerator timestamp and sends the data to a server using TCP/IP stack, with the server side running an EPICS IOC. Several filtering and compression techniques are also applied. The device then re-translates the interface signals for the motion controller, allowing the device to be installed between encoder and motion controller with no interference to the system. The hardware leverages the NSLS-II BPM Digital Front End (DFE) board with Virtex-6 FPGA and periphery. The design harmoniously complements the family of NSLS-II equipment sharing same mechanical and electrical platform.
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