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WEA3O01 |
The TANGO Controls Collaboration in 2015 |
585 |
- A. Götz, J.M. Chaize, T.M. Coutinho, J.L. Pons, E.T. Taurel, P.V. Verdier
ESRF, Grenoble, France
- G. Abeillé
SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
- S. Brockhauser, L.J. Fülöp
ELI-ALPS, Szeged, Hungary
- M.O. Cernaianu
IFIN-HH, Bucharest - Magurele, Romania
- I.A. Khokhriakov
HZG, Geesthacht, Germany
- R. Smareglia
INAF-OAT, Trieste, Italy
- A. Vázquez-Otero
ELI-BEAMS, Prague, Czech Republic
This paper presents the latest news from the TANGO collaboration. TANGO is being used in new domains. The three ELI pillars - ELI-Beamlines, ELI-ALPS and ELI-NP in Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania respectively have selected TANGO for many of their control systems. In ELI-Beamlines and ELI-Alps, TANGO will play the role of integrating all the hardware and turn-key systems (some delivered with EPICS or Labview) into one integrated system. In ELI-NP, the HPLS and LBTS will be controlled using TANGO, while the GBS will be controlled using EPICS. On the experimental side, ELI-NP will use both TANGO and EPICS control systems. TANGO will be extended with new features required by the laser community. These features will include nanosecond time-stamping. The latest major release of TANGO V9 includes the following features - data pipes, enumerated types, dynamic commands and forwarded attributes. The collaboration has been extended to include the new members and to provide a sustainable source of resources through collaboration contracts. A new website ( has been designed which improves the communication within the community.
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WEPGF063 |
Developing HDF5 for the Synchrotron Community |
845 |
- N.P. Rees
DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
- H.R. Billich
PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
- A. Götz
ESRF, Grenoble, France
- Q. Koziol, E. Pourmal
The HDF Group, Champaign, Illinois, USA
- M. Rissi
DECTRIS Ltd., Baden, Switzerland
- E. Wintersberger
DESY, Hamburg, Germany
HDF5 and NeXus (which normally uses HDF5 as its underlying format) have been widely touted as a standard for storing Photon and Neutron data. They offer many advantages to other common formats and are widely used at many facilities. However, it has been found that the existing implementations of these standards have limited the performance of some recent detector systems. This paper describes how the synchrotron light source community has worked closely with The HDF Group to drive changes to the HDF5 software to make it more suitable for their environment. This includes developments managed by a detector manufacturer (Dectris - for direct chunk writes) as well as synchrotrons (DESY, ESRF and Diamond - for pluggable filters, Single Writer/Multiple Reader and Virtual Data Sets).
Poster WEPGF063 [0.702 MB]
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