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MOPGF032 |
Installation of a Hot-Swappable Spare Injector Laser System for the SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source |
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- S.C. Alverson, G.W. Brown, F.-J. Decker, S. Gilevich, S. Vetter
SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
LCLS is a facility for generation of very short duration, highly intense x-ray pulses which requires an extremely reliable photocathode electron source. In order to maintain high up-time (>95%) for the experimenters, operations rely on a maintenance program for active laser components as well as on built-in redundancy in case of failure. To accomplish this, a duplicate laser system was installed, allowing for quick swap between the active system and the spare in the event of a malfunction or for planned maintenance. As an added bonus, this redundant system provides additional possibilities for science as both laser systems can also be run to the cathode simultaneously to create multiple particle bunches. Diagnostics were put in place to maintain both special and temporal overlap and allow for the fast switching between systems by operations personnel while still remaining within the safety envelope. This was done for both the primary UV drive laser as well as the secondary IR "heater" laser. This paper describes the installation challenges and design architecture for this backup laser system.
Poster MOPGF032 [3.066 MB]
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