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MOPGF122 |
A Fast Interlock Detection System for High-Power Switch Protection |
367 |
- P. Van Trappen, E. Carlier, S. Uyttenhove
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Fast pulsed kicker magnet systems are powered by high-voltage and high-current pulse generators with adjustable pulse length and amplitude. To deliver this power, fast high-voltage switches such as thyratrons and GTOs are used to control the fast discharge of pre-stored energy. To protect the machine and the generator itself against internal failures of these switches several types of fast interlocks systems are used at TE-ABT (CERN Technology department, Accelerator Beam Transfer). To get rid of this heterogeneous situation, a modular digital Fast Interlock Detection System (FIDS) has been developed in order to replace the existing fast interlocks systems. In addition to the existing functionality, the FIDS system will offer new functionalities such as extended flexibility, improved modularity, increased surveillance and diagnostics, contemporary communication protocols and automated card parametrization. A Xilinx Zynq®-7000 SoC has been selected for implementation of the required functionalities so that the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) can hold the fast detection and interlocking logic while the ARM® processors allow for a flexible integration in CERN's Front-End Software Architecture (FESA) framework, advanced diagnostics and automated self-parametrization.
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MOPGF135 |
Upgrade of the Trigger Synchronisation and Distribution System of the Beam Dumping System of the Large Hadron Collider |
397 |
- N. Magnin, A. Antoine, E. Carlier, V. Chareyre, S. Gabourin, A. Patsouli, N. Voumard
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Various upgrades were performed on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Beam Dumping System (LBDS) during Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) at CERN, in particular to the Trigger Synchronisation and Distribution System (TSDS): A redundant direct connection from the LHC Beam Interlock System to the re-trigger lines of the LBDS was implemented, a fully redundant powering architecture was set up, and new Trigger Synchronisation Unit cards were deployed over two separate crates instead of one. These hardware changes implied the adaptation of the State Control and Surveillance System and an improvement of the monitoring and diagnosis systems, like the various Internal Post Operation Check (IPOC) systems that ensure that, after every beam dump event, the LBDS worked as expected and is 'as good as new' for the next LHC beam. This paper summarises the changes performed on the TSDS during LS1, highlights the upgrade of the IPOC systems and presents the problems encountered during the commissioning of TSDS before the LHC Run II.
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WEPGF127 |
A Generic Timing Software for Fast Pulsed Magnet Systems at CERN |
1003 |
- C. Chanavat, M. Arruat, E. Carlier, N. Magnin
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
At CERN, fast pulsed magnet (kicker) systems are used to inject, extract, dump and excite beams. Depending on their operational functionalities and as a result of the evolution of controls solutions over time, the timing controls of these systems were based on hybrid hardware architectures that have resulted in a large disparity of software solutions. In order to cure this situation, a Kicker Timing Software (KiTS), based on a modular hardware and software architecture, has been developed with the objective to increase the homogeneity of fast and slow timings control for all types of fast pulsed magnet systems. The KiTS uses a hardware abstraction layer and a configurable software model implemented within the Front-End Software Architecture (FESA) framework. It has been successfully deployed in the control systems of the different types of kicker systems at CERN like for the PS continuous transfer, the SPS injection and extraction, the SPS tune measurement and the LHC injection.
Poster WEPGF127 [38.304 MB]
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