Author: Cardoso, M.B.
Paper Title Page
THHB3O03 On-the-Fly Scans for Fast Tomography at LNLS Imaging Beamline 1119
  • G.B.Z.L. Moreno, R. Bongers, M.B. Cardoso, F.P. O'Dowd, H.H. Slepicka
    LNLS, Campinas, Brazil
  Funding: Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory.
As we go to brighter light sources and time resolved ex-periments, different approaches for executing faster scans in synchrotrons are an ever­present need. In many light sources, performing scans through a sequence of hardware triggers is the most commonly used method for synchronizing instruments and motors. Thus, in order to provide a sufficiently flexible and robust solution, the X­Ray Imaging Beamline (IMX) at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source [1] upgraded its scanning system to a NI PXI chassis interfacing with Galil motion controllers and EPICS environment. It currently executes point­to­point and on­the­fly scans controlled by hard-ware signals, fully integrated with the beamline control system under EPICS channel access protocol. Some approaches can use CS­Studio screens and automated Python scripts to create a user­friendly interface. All pro-gramming languages used in the project are easy to use and to learn, which allows high maintainability for the system delivered. The use of LNLS Hyppie platform [2, 3] also enables software modularity for better compatibil-ity and scalability over different experimental setups and even different beamlines.
[1]F. P. O'Dowd et al.,"X-Ray micro-tomography at the IMX beamline (LNLS)", XRM2014.[2]J. R. Piton et al.,"Hyppie: A hypervisored PXI for physics instrumentation under EPICS", BIW2012.
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