Poster Session - C  —  Linacs  

Paper Title Page
C-01 Conceptual Design of a Radio Frequency Quadrupole for the Heavy-Ion Medical Facility 245
  • G. Hahn, D. H. An, H.J. Yim, Y.S. Kim
    KIRAMS, Seoul

Design of conventional 4-vane/rod type of RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) for the heavy ion medical facility has been studied. The RFQ is capable of accelerating C4+ ions from an initial energy of 10 keV/u to 300 keV/u. In this work, all the design parameters have been optimized to achieve stable structure and compactness. The 3D electromagnetic field distribution and RF analysis were obtained by CST Microwave Studio and the field was used in TOUTATIS for beam simulation. This paper shows the determined physical and mechanical design parameters of RFQ.

C-02 Commissioning of the CNAO LEBT and Sources 247
  • A. Parravicini, S. Alpegiani, G. Balbinot, G. Bazzano, D. Bianculli, J. Bosser, E. Bressi, G. Burato, G. Butella, M. Caldara, E. Chiesa, L. Falbo, A. Ferrari, F. Generani, F. Gerardi, L. Lanzavecchia, R. Monferrato, V. Mutti, M. Nodari, M. Pezzetta, A. Portalupi, C. Priano, M. Pullia, S. Rossi, M. Scotti, M. Spairani, E. Vacchieri, S. Vitulli
    CNAO, Milano
  • A. Reiter, B. Schlitt
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • C. Biscari, C. Sanelli
    INFN/LNF, Frascati
  • C. Roncolato
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro
  • L. Celona, G. Ciavola, S. Gammino, F. Maimone
    INFN/LNS, Catania
  • L. Frosini, G. Venchi
    University of Pavia, Pavia
  • M. Ferrarini
    Politecnico di Milano, Milano

The Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica (CNAO) is the Italian centre for deep hadrontherapy, namely an innovative type of radiotherapy using hadrons. The wide range of beam parameters (i.e., energy and intensity) at patient level together with the advantages of hadron-therapy with respect to traditional radio-therapy nourishes the hopes for more effective patient recovery. After the LEBT and the RFQ commissioning, the IH commissioning is now in progress. First patients are expected to be treated in 2010. The present paper summarizes and evaluates the Low Energy Beam Transfer (LEBT) line commissioning, which has been carried out between July 2008 and January 2009.

C-03 Beam Diagnostics in the CNAO Injection Lines Commissioning 251
  • A. Parravicini, G. Balbinot, J. Bosser, E. Bressi, M. Caldara, L. Lanzavecchia, M. Pullia, M. Spairani
    CNAO, Milano
  • C. Biscari
    INFN/LNF, Frascati

The Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica (CNAO) is the first Italian center for deep hadrontherapy, namely an innovative type of oncological radiotherapy using hadrons. The CNAO machine installation is in progress and alternates with lines commissioning, started in the Summer 2008. The present paper reports about Beam Diagnostics (BD) choices, status and post-commissioning evaluation, as concerns the Low Energy Beam Transfer (LEBT) line monitors.

C-04 NDCX-II, a New Induction Linear Accelerator for Warm Dense Matter Research 256
  • M. Leitner, F. Bieniosek, J.W. Kwan, G. Logan, W.L. Waldron
    LBNL, Berkeley
  • E.P. Gilson, R. Davidson
    PPPL, Princeton
  • J.J. Barnard, A. Friedman, B. Sharp
    LLNL, Livermore

Funding: This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.

The Heavy Ion Fusion Science Virtual National Laboratory (HIFS-VNL), a collaboration between Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), is currently constructing a new induction linear accelerator, called Neutralized Drift Compression eXperiment NDCX-II. The accelerator design makes effective use of existing components from LLNL’s decommissioned Advanced Test Accelerator (ATA), especially induction cells and Blumlein voltage sources that have been transferred to LBNL. We have developed an aggressive acceleration “schedule” that compresses the emitted ion pulse from 500 ns to 1 ns in just 15 meters. In the nominal design concept, 30 nC of Li+ are accelerated to 3.5 MeV and allowed to drift-compress to a peak current of about 30 A. That beam will be utilized for warm dense matter experiments investigating the interaction of ion beams with matter at high temperature and pressure. Construction of the accelerator will be complete within a period of approximately two and a half years and will provide a worldwide unique opportunity for ion-driven warm dense matter experiments as well as research related to novel beam manipulations for heavy ion fusion drivers.

C-05 Decelerating Heavy Ion Beams Using the ISAC DTL 261
  • M. Marchetto, R.E. Laxdal, F. Yan
    TRIUMF, Vancouver

At the ISAC facility in TRIUMF radioactive ion beams (RIB) are produced using the ISOL method and post accelerated. The post accelerator chain consists of a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) injector followed by a drift tube linac (DTL) that accelerates the ions from 150 keV/u up to 1.8 MeV/u. A further stage of acceleration is achieved using a superconducting linac where the beam is injected using the DTL and the energy boosted with 20 MV of acceleration voltage (increased to 40MV by the end of 2009). The possibility of decelerating the beam maintaining good beam quality using the DTL is investigated based on experimenters request to reach energies lower than 150 keV/u. The beam dynamics simulation using the LANA code are compared with on line measurements. In this paper we will report the results of the investigation that aims to establish the lowest energy we can deliver in the post accelerator section of the ISAC facility.

C-06 Fabrication of Superconducting Niobium Resonators at IUAC 266
  • P.N. Potukuchi, D. Kanjilal, K.K. Mistri, A. Rai, A. Roy, S.S.K. Sonti, J. Zacharias
    IUAC, New Delhi

The facility for constructing superconducting niobium resonators indigenously was commissioned at the Inter- University Accelerator Centre in 2002. It was primarily setup to fabricate niobium quarter wave resonators for the superconducting booster linac. Starting with a single quarter wave resonator in the first phase, two completely indigenous resonators were successfully built, tested and installed in the cryomodules. Subsequently production of fifteen more resonators for the second and third modules began. Several existing resonators have been successfully reworked and restored from a variety of problems. In addition to building resonators for the in-house programs, a project to build two single spoke resonators for Project- X at Fermi Lab, USA has also been taken up. A Tesla-type single cell cavity is also being built in collaboration with RRCAT, Indore. This paper presents details of the fabrication, test results and future plans.

C-07 Upgrade of the Control System for the ALPI Cryogenic Distribution Plant 271
  • S. Canella, A. Beltramin, A. Calore, T. Contran, P. Modanese, F. Poletto
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro

In the LNL Heavy Ion Accelerator Complex, ALPI is a superconducting linear accelerator (Linac) whose first runs date back to 1993. In more than 15 years the LNL ALPI Linac evolved from an initial small configuration of 5 cryostats and 16 resonators to the actual size of 20 cryostats and 74 resonators. The superconducting character of ALPI implies the availability of a large cryogenic plant and distribution system to supply the liquid helium necessary to keep the resonators at 4.2 K. While the Linac structure has grown in the years and, in the mean time, the related cryogenic plant and distribution systems were enlarged and upgraded twice, the related control system remained largely unchanged in its main parts and it is now the first sub-system that urgently needs a deep renewing. The challenge to renovate a working control system with limited shut-downs is the subject of this presentation.

C-08 Wide Bandwidth, Low Cost System for Cavity Measurements 274
  • S. Stark, A.M. Porcellato
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro

Recently we developed a novel measurement apparatus that simplify the tests of superconducting cavities. A few commercial electronic boards, mounted in a devoted chassis and controlled by a PC, operate most of the functions usually carried out by standard RF instrumentation. The set up allows the measurements of resonators in the 80-700 MHz frequency range and we used it to characterize resonators both in the ALPI vault and in off-line tests. Upgraded control program carries out all the typical procedures, related to the cavity measurements in classical VCO-PLL system. It allows to adjust and to measure the RF forward power, to find and update the cavity resonant frequency, to calibrate the pick-up signal, to monitor the transmitted power, to adjust the coupler position. The implemented automatic procedures permit to measure the cavity decay time, to trace the Q-curve, to perform CW and pulse RF conditioning, to calibrate cables and measurement instruments. The same software applies to the other two measurement systems routinely used at Legnaro to test resonators up to 6 GHz frequency.

C-09 Design of the MEBT Rebunchers for the SPIRAL 2 Driver 278
  • M. Lechartier, D. Besnier, J.F. Leyge, M. Michel
    GANIL, Caen

The Spiral 2 project uses normal conducting rebunchers to accelerate high intensity beams of protons, deuterons and heavier ions. All cavities work at 88 MHz, the beta is 0.04 and 3 rebunchers are located in the MEBT line, which accepts ions with A/q up to 6. The paper describes the RF design and the technological solutions proposed for an original 3-gap cavity, characterised by very large beam aperture (60 mm) and providing up to 120 kV of effective voltage.