Monday - Part I  —  General Topics  

Paper Title Page
MO-01 Nuclear Physics Perspectives with Next-Generation RNB Facilities  
  • G. Bollen
    MSU, East Lansing

Next-generation rare isotope beam facilities will provide a wide variety of high-quality beams of unstable isotopes at unprecedented intensities, opening exciting research perspectives. New classes of experiments will become possible to explore nuclear structure very far from stability, information will be obtained that is critical for the explanation of element abundances observed in the universe, and special isotopes will become available at high intensities that are important for the study of fundamental symmetries and for societal needs. Worldwide, considerable efforts are underway towards realizing a new generation of rare isotope beam facilities. FRIB, the US’s “Facility for Rare Isotope Beams" for which Michigan State University (MSU) was selected as the site, will be based on a 400 kW, 200 MeV/u heavy ion driver linac. Once realized, FRIB will be the world-leading rare isotope beam facility. This talk will present MSU’s proposed FRIB concept and discuss science opportunities with such a next-generation facility.


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