Paper | Title | Page |
TH-06 | Development of Heavy Ion Accelerator and Associated Systems | 170 |
A 15 UD Pelletron electrostatic accelerator is in regular operation at Inter-University Accelerator Center (IUAC). It has been providing various ion beams in the energy range from a few tens of MeV to 270MeV for scheduled experiments. A superconducting linac booster module having eight niobium quarter wave resonators has been made operational for boosting the energy of the heavy ion beams from the Pelletron for experiments at higher energies. A new type of high temperature superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source (HTS-ECRIS) was designed, fabricated and installed. It is in regular operation as a part of an alternate high current injector (HCI) system being developed for injection of highly charged ions having higher beam current in to the superconducting linac. A radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator is being developed to accelerate highly charged particles (A/Q ~ 6) to an energy of 180 keV/A. The beam will then be accelerated further by drift tube linacs (DTLs) to the required velocity for injection of the beams to the linac booster. Details of various developmental activities related to the heavy ion accelerators and associated systems are reported. |
C-06 | Fabrication of Superconducting Niobium Resonators at IUAC | 266 |
The facility for constructing superconducting niobium resonators indigenously was commissioned at the Inter- University Accelerator Centre in 2002. It was primarily setup to fabricate niobium quarter wave resonators for the superconducting booster linac. Starting with a single quarter wave resonator in the first phase, two completely indigenous resonators were successfully built, tested and installed in the cryomodules. Subsequently production of fifteen more resonators for the second and third modules began. Several existing resonators have been successfully reworked and restored from a variety of problems. In addition to building resonators for the in-house programs, a project to build two single spoke resonators for Project- X at Fermi Lab, USA has also been taken up. A Tesla-type single cell cavity is also being built in collaboration with RRCAT, Indore. This paper presents details of the fabrication, test results and future plans. |