Paper | Title | Page |
MO-07 | The SPES project: an ISOL facility for exotic beams | 9 |
SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) is an INFN project to develop a Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility as an intermediate step toward EURISOL. The SPES project is part of the INFN Road Map for the Nuclear Physics development in Italy and is supported by LNL and LNS the INFN National Laboratories of Nuclear Physics in Legnaro and Catania. The Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL) was chosen as the facility site due to the presence of the PIAVE-ALPI accelerator complex, which will be used as re-accelerator for the RIBs. The SPES project is based on the ISOL method with an UCx Direct Target and makes use of a proton driver of at least 40 MeV energy and 200 microA current. Neutron-rich radioactive beams will be produced by Uranium fission at an expected fission rate in the target in the order of 1013 fissions per second. The key feature of SPES is to provide high intensity and highquality beams of neutron rich nuclei to perform forefront research in nuclear structure, reaction dynamics and interdisciplinary fields like medical, biological and material sciences. The exotic isotopes will be re-accelerated by the ALPI superconducting linac at energies up to 10AMeV for masses in the region of A=130 amu with an expected rate on target of 109 pps. |
MO-08 | The SPES project: Research and Development for the Multi-Foil Direct Target | 12 |
SPES is a facility to be built at National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN laboratory, Legnaro, Italy) intended to provide intense neutron-rich Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) directly hitting a UCx target with a proton beam of 40 MeV and 0.2 mA; RIBs will be produced according to the ISOL technique and the new idea that characterize the SPES project is the design of the production target: we propose a target configuration capable to keep high the number of fissions, low the power deposition and fast the release of the produced isotopes. In this work we will present the recent results on the R&D activities regarding the multi-foil direct UCx target. |
Study and Test on the 1+ Ion Source of the SPES Project | ||
The production target of the SPES project is going to produce neutron rich isotopes (Z > 40) by directly impinging a 40 MeV proton beam of I = 200 μA on 7 coaxial UCx porous thin disks. In order to produce a very intense exotic beam, a strong effort on target ion source development is necessary. In the SPES facility the standard ISOLDE MK1 surface ion source is used for 1+ ions production; in this kind of source a high temperature cavity of Tungsten (also Tantalum or Rhenium) is able to ionize efficiently the alkalis, rare-earth elements and low ionization potential molecules. In this way the ions are ready to be extracted and accelerated by means of an extraction electrode kept at 60 kV. In this work the Structural-Thermal-Electric behaviour of the MK1 ion source is studied, considering a full 3-D Coupled Structural-Thermal-Electric ANSYS® Finite Element model; FE results are compared with both potential difference and temperature measurements. To study the Electrostatic field of the extraction zone close to the ion source an ANSYS® FE Electrostatic model was developed. |