Paper | Title | Page |
TUO4AB01 | SPES Beam Dynamics | 220 |
At LNL INFN is under construction a Rare Isotope Facility (SPES), based on a 35-70 MeV proton cyclotron, able to deliver two beams with a total current up to 0.5 mA, an ISOL fission target station and the existing ALPI superconducting accelerator as post accelerator (up to 10 MeV/u for A/q=7). In this talk the elements between the production target and the experiments will be described: in particular the selection system, the ECR charge breeder, the second separation system and the new CW RFQ (80 MHz, 727 keV/u, internal bunching). The problems that have been solved during the design phase are partly common to all RIB facilities, like the necessity to have high selectivity and high transmission for a beam of very low intensity, plus the specific challenges related to the use of ALPI (with a reduced longitudinal acceptance) and related to the specific lay out. At present the design phase is concluded, and the procurement procedure for the charge breeder, the transfer lines and the RFQ are advanced or will be launched in the next months. The main beam dynamics aspects of the transfer lines (including magnetic selections) and RFQ will be discussed in detail. | ||
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Slides TUO4AB01 [7.036 MB] | |
TUO4AB02 | Beam Physics Challenges in RAON | 226 |
Construction of the RAON heavy ion accelerator facility is under way in Korea. As high intensity 400 kW superconducting linac (SCL) is employed as a driver, beam physics aspects are carefully studied. The SCL is based on lattice consisting of cryomodules and quadrupole doublets. Beam dynamics studies for the RAON has progressed to cover start-to-end simulations and machine imperfection studies confirming beam loss less than 1 W/m. At present, prototyping of major components are proceeding including 28 GHz ECR ion source, RFQ, superconducting cavities, magnets and cryomodules. First article of prototype superconducting cavities have been delivered that were fabricated through domestic vendors. Prototype HTS quadrupole is under development. Progress report of the RAON accelerator systems is presented. | ||
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Slides TUO4AB02 [3.751 MB] | |
TUO4AB03 | Beam Dynamics Studies for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Driver Linac | 231 |
Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661 and the National Science Foundation under Grant No. PHY-1102511. Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) is a high-power heavy ion accelerator facility presently under construction at Michigan State University located in Michigan. FRIB consists of a CW driver linac, experimental facility, the linac accelerates ions up to uranium with the energy of 200 MeV/u and with the beam power of 400 kW. As the assumed beam power is more than two order of magnitude higher than the existing heavy ion linac facilities, various beam dynamics challenges are assumed for the driver linac. In this paper, beam dynamic challenges for FRIB driver linac and undergoing studies to address them are reviewed, which would include those related to machine protection and collimation of halos after a stripper. |