Author: Takata, K.
Paper Title Page
MOPAB23 Resonance Structures in the Impedance of a Ceramic Break and the Measured Results 74
  • Y. Shobuda
    JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken, Japan
  • Y.H. Chin, K. Takata
    KEK, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan
  • T. Toyama
    J-PARC, KEK & JAEA, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
  Recently, we have developed a new theory to evaluate longitudinal and transverse impedances of any size of ceramic break sandwiched between metal chambers. The theory successfully reproduces the resonance structures in the impedance due to trapped modes inside the ceramic break. The comparisons between the theoretical and the simulation results such as ABCI and CST Studio show excellent agreements, indicating that they can be used as a good benchmark test for accuracy of simulation codes. To demonstrate the existence of such resonances, the transverse impedance of the ceramic break is measured using the wire-method. The measurement results reproduce the simulations well. The theory is particularly useful for the evaluation of the impedance of the ceramic break with titanium nitride coating.