Author: Raich, U.
Paper Title Page
MOPAB02 Progress in the Upgrade of the CERN PS Booster Recombination 24
  • J.L. Abelleira, W. Bartmann, J. Borburgh, E. Bravin, U. Raich
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The CERN PS Booster recombination lines (BT) will be upgraded following the extraction energy increase foreseen in 2018 and meant to reduce the direct space-charge tune shift in the PS injection for the future HL-LHC beams. Henceforth the main line elements, recombination septa, quadrupoles and dipoles must be scaled up to this energy. An increase in the beam rigidity by a factor 1.3 would require the same factor in the field integral of the septa, ∫Bdl, in order to bend the same angle and preserve the present recombination geometry, which is one of the main upgrade constraints. This paper describes the new optics, in particular in the new and longer septa. In addition we consider the upgrade of the so called BTM line that brings the beam to the external dump and where emittance measurements are taken thanks to three pairs of grids. The new proposed optics has also the advantage to simplify the design of the new dipoles. Here we study this new optics and the issues related to the emittance measurement at the new higher energy.