Author: Palmieri, A.
Paper Title Page
THO1AB04 Preserving Beam Quality in Long RFQs on the RF Side: Voltage Stabilization and Tuning 345
  • A. Palmieri
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  RFQ’s are the injectors customarily used in modern linacs and the achievement of a high beam transmission for a RFQs is of paramount importance in case of both high intensity linacs and RIBs facilities. This calls for an accurate control of the longitudinal inter vane voltage along the four quadrants of the structure (field stabilization), in order to keep its deviation from nominal value as low as possible (a few %, typically). In particular, for long RFQ (in which the structure length can be significantly higher than the RF wavelength), this aspects is made more challenging, since the effect of a perturbations (e.g. due to mechanical errors and/or misalignments on the nominal RFQ geometry has a major impact on these voltage perturbations. In this presentation, an analysis of these aspects, as well as the methods used to tackle this problem will be described.  
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