Author: Miyamoto, R.
Paper Title Page
MOPAB18 An ESS Linac Collimation Study 62
  • R. Miyamoto, M. Eshraqi
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  • H.D. Thomsen
    ISA, Aarhus, Denmark
  The European Spallation Source (ESS) is planned in Lund, Sweden, and will be a neutron source based on a proton linac with an unprecedented 5 MW beam power. Mitigation of beam losses is the most crucial challenge in beam physics for such a high power proton linac and collimation systems are planned in sections of the medium and high energy beam transport (MEBT and HEBT). A preliminary study of the collimation systems was presented in the previous time of this workshop but the linac design went through a significant revision since then. The system to expand the beam for the neutron target, located in the HEBT, was changed from one based on nonlinear magnets to a raster system and this change particularly had a significant impact on the demand on the collimation systems. This paper presents an updated beam dynamics study of the collimation systems for the present layout of the ESS Linac.  
TUO1AB04 Current Status on ESS Medium Energy Beam Transport 170
  • I. Bustinduy, M. Magan, F. Sordo
    ESS Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain
  • R. Miyamoto
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  The European Spallation Source, ESS, uses a high power linear accelerator for producing intense beams of neutrons. During last year the ESS linac cost was reevaluated, as a consequence important modifications were introduced to the linac design that affected Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) section. RFQ output beam energy increased from 3 MeV to 3.62 MeV, and beam current under nominal conditions was increased from 50 to 62.5mA. The considered MEBT is being designed primarily to match the RFQ output beam characteristics to the DTL input both transversally and longitudinally. For this purpose a set of eleven quadrupoles is used to match the beam characteristics transversally, combined with three 352.2 MHz CCL type buncher cavities, which are used to adjust the beam in order to fulfill the required longitudinal parameters. Finally, thermo-mechanical calculations for adjustable halo scraping blades, with significant impact on the HEBT, will be discussed.  
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