Paper | Title | Page |
MOPAB05 | Global Optics Correction for Low Energy RHIC Run | 34 |
Funding: The work was performed under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. There has been increasing interest in low energy run in RHIC to study the QCD phase diagram and search for the critical point. The machine optics is one of the critical pieces for a successful low energy run since it affects the luminosity and its lifetime. Despite the difficulties of taking optics measurement data, progress has been made in recent years to analyze and correct the global optics errors. The analysis technique and specific exception handling, and the results of optics correction for low energy runs will be presented in the report. |
MOPAB08 | Longitudinal Dynamics Simulation at Transition Crossing in RHIC with New Landau Cavity | 37 |
Funding: The work was performed under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. At RHIC, heavy ion beams cross transition energy during acceleration to energies required by the physics programs. In the past, to battle longitudinal instabilities, a Landau cavity was turned on just after acceleration through transition energy. The Landau cavity with modified frequency will be implemented before beam crosses transition in Run-14. Longitudinal dynamics with this new configuration have been simulated to optimize the phase and amplitude of the Landau cavity. We will present simulation results in the report. |
FRO2AU02 | Summary from Working Group F: Instrumentation and Beam Material Interactions | 453 |
This workshop on High-Intensity, High Brightness and High Power Hadron Beams, held in East Lansing, MI and hosted by Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), included a Working Group which combined the topics of Instrumentation and Beam Material Interactions. Continuing with the HB Workshop series tradition, progress, status and future developments of hadron accelerators in these subfields were presented and discussed. Leveraging off of experiences from existing accelerators including FNAL, IFMIF, JPARC, the LHC, RHIC and the SNS, this workshop provided occasion to discuss new technical challenges for beam instrument-ation and beam material interactions as relevant for future high power hadron beam facilities both approved (e.g. FRIB, ESS) and in planning (e.g. CADS). Discussions between this and the other working groups during this workshop were quite lively as necessitated by the need to seriously address strong interdependencies (between beam dynamics, technologies, instrumentation and interaction of the beams with materials such as targets, beam dumps and collimators) in the regime of megawatt beam powers as anticipated in approved and future accelerators. | ||
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Slides FRO2AU02 [4.372 MB] | |