Author: Liu, H.C.
Paper Title Page
The Design and Beam Dynamics Study for CSNS Linac  
  • H.C. Liu, S. Fu, J. Peng, S. Wang
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) linac consists of a 50 keV H ion source, a 3 MeV RFQ, and an 80 MeV alvarez type DTL. It provides an H beam of 15 mA peak current with a pulsed beam width about 420 μs and a repetition rate of 25 Hz for injection into the following 1.6 GeV rapid-cycling synchrotron (RCS). The transverse and longitudinal beam optics is introduced. The original design scheme is optimized based on the end-to-end simulation. Besides beam dynamics, the commissioning plan for linac is also presented, including the commissioning correlated parameters, beam instrumentation used in commissioning, the goal at different commissioning stages.  
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