Author: Kinsho, M.
Paper Title Page
MOPAB44 Beam Halo Measurement Using a Combination of a Wire Scanner Type Beam Scraper and Some Beam Loss Monitors in J-PARC 3-GeV RCS 143
  • M. Yoshimoto, H. Harada, M. Kinsho, K. Okabe
    JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken, Japan
  Transverse beam halo is one of the most important beam parameters due to limit the performance of the high intensity beam accelerator. Therefore, the transverse beam halo measurement is required to increase the beam power of the J-PARC 3-GeV RCS. New beam halo monitor, which is combined a wire type beam scraper and some beam loss monitors, are installed in the extraction beam transport line. In order to use some beam loss monitors with a plurality of different sensitivities, it's ultra wide dynamic range can be achieved and beam profile including both of the beam core and halo can be obtained.